Chapter 4

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///Midoriya's Apartment Complex///

For the rest of the walk to Midoriya's place, all you could think about was what the hell the woman had said to you. Zariya? Heiress? None of it made any sense to you. As far as you knew, there weren't any Emperors that ruled any countries at the moment. And Zariya? Never heard of it. Therondia? Was that a store? Khisfire? Must be a type of food.

You rubbed your temples as you arrived at a door with the number '83' on it.

"This is the place, I think." You mumbled to yourself. You took a deep breath and raised your knuckle to the door. You weren't going to lie, you were nervous. You were scared that his mom would think you were a bad influence on him and she'd prevent him from being friends with you.

You hit your knuckle against the door three times and waited. You heard voices coming from inside, followed by the sound of feet shuffling against the floor. The door flung open and there stood a short lady with green hair tied up into a bun.

'She looks nice' You thought to yourself.

"Oh my goodness! You must be Y/n, correct?! Izuku never told me how beautiful you were! Please, come on in!" You smiled slightly and nodded. The woman stepped to the side and you walked in and took off your flip-flops, leaving them by the door.

"Izuku! She's here!" She called into the hallway. She turned her attention back onto you and smiled warmly. "I'm Izuku's mother, Inko. I've heard a lot about you from him."

"It's nice to meet you, Ms. Midoriya. I, er, got this for you. I hope you like them." You handed her the flowers and chocolate. Her eyes brightened up as she took the items into her hands.

"Oh, they're lovely, Y/n! And please, call me Inko!" Midoriya came rushing out of his bedroom wearing an All-Might t-shirt and shorts. He gave you a sheepish smile when he saw you conversing with his mother.

You looked away from Inko and gave him a lazy wave, reaching into the plastic bag. You pulled out his chocolates and tossed them to him.

"Catch." He caught the box, which fumbled in his hands a couple of times before he caught it.

"Thanks, Y/n." He beamed at you, making you grin at him in return. It always felt like a weight lifted off of your shoulders whenever you hung out with Midoriya. He had the ability to calm down your nerves.

"Let's go sit down in the living room! I'd love to get to know you better, Y/n!" Inko suggested, hitting Midoriya lightly on the arm, silently telling him to show you to the living room. Inko then walked away and into the kitchen.

"I'll show you to the living room and my mom said she was going to make some tea," Midoriya explained as you headed towards the couch. You had the urge to throw yourself onto the couch but remembered that you were in someone else's house. So you sat down quietly and leaned back against the pillows. Midoriya came over and sat next to you, resting his legs on your thighs.

Inko came back with a tray and three cups and a teapot. She placed the tray in the middle of the coffee table and sat in a chair across from the couch, pouring a cup of tea in the process. She gave you and warm smile.

"So Y/n..." Inko started, swirling her cup around a couple of times. You gulped quietly, expecting questions like "Why did you want to be friends with my son?" or "Do you consider yourself a bully?" but it wasn't like that at all.

"What's your favorite food?!" She exclaimed, smiling at you.


/// 2 hours later///

𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚂𝚗𝚘𝚘𝚣𝚎, 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙻𝚘𝚜𝚎 (𝙱𝙽𝙷𝙰 𝚇 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳𝙴𝚁)Where stories live. Discover now