Chapter 3

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As soon as you stepped into your house, a sense of dread hung over you. You always dreaded being at home. Before you met Midoriya, you stayed in your room all day and did nothing. All you wanted to do was withdraw from your family. Since it was Thursday, you knew Katana wouldn't be home. She usually hangs out at the arcade with her friends.

"I'm home." You called out into the living room. Your mother was a lecturer at a private school on the Eastern side of Musutafu. The school she worked at, Haruki Private Academy, got off at the same time as your school did.

"Y/n? Is that you?" Your mother called from the kitchen. You kicked your shoes off at the doorway and wandered into the kitchen. Your mother was there, making sushi. She was still wearing her uniform and her hair was styled in a way that made her look like a stern old lady.

"How was school today?" She questioned, setting the food onto a cutting board. You kissed her forehead and reached out to the cutting board. You grabbed a piece off of the board and shoved it in your mouth.

You didn't bother telling your mother about what happened with Katana because you knew she would indirectly defend her. She attempted not to make it obvious but it always appeared to turn into "Maybe you said the wrong thing," or "You may have made her upset".

"It was good. How was work?" You muffled out, tossing your bag on the table. Your mother sighed as she resumed to cut up salmon.

"I'm sure you know about Norcross, correct? He didn't do his homework again and he got into another altercation with a student again." Your mother normally ranted to you about her students and the two last names that usually popped up were Norcross and Fair.

According to your mother, Norcross was the troublemaker of the school. He made good grades and excelled in active extracurricular activities but just didn't want to do "useless work", words directing from him. Fair was a calm student who, in a way, was similar to Norcross. She made excellent grades and participated in after-school activities, but she was too lazy to do homework or classwork. But somehow, she always managed to ace every quiz and test.

"At least he's passing your class."  You offered, causing your mother to nod in agreement. Your phone's alarm went off and hinted to you that you were supposed to head over to Midoriya's. You stalked over to your bag and drew your phone out of the front pocket. With a click of a button, the ringing ceased.

"What was that for?" Your mother inquired from the kitchen. You ran up the stairs, excited to hang out with Midoriya for the first time. You threw your bedroom door open and stripped off your uniform. You headed over to the dresser and flew the drawers open.

"I'm going to a friend's house. He wanted to hang out today." There was a gasp from downstairs and the vibration of footsteps, beating against the stairs. You looked at the doorway as you threw your shirt over your head. There stood your mother, sweating slightly and a goofy grin on her face.

"What." You implied, somewhat irritated by your mother's antics.

"Did you say he?" Your mother urged, leaning against the doorway. She crossed her arms and her grin increased as you blinked at her several times.

"Yeah, I did. Why?" Your mother squealed, causing you to cover your ears. She raced over to you and started jumping around, excitedly. She started bombarding you with multiple questions, spitting them out as if she was a machine gun.

"What's his name? Where does he live? Do you like him? Are you going on a date?" Your mother's questions never stopped until you reached your dresser and flung a piece of paper towards her. It fluttered in the air for a bit, the wind causing it to change directions constantly.

𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚂𝚗𝚘𝚘𝚣𝚎, 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙻𝚘𝚜𝚎 (𝙱𝙽𝙷𝙰 𝚇 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳𝙴𝚁)Where stories live. Discover now