Chapter 2

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"So you want me to come over today?" You asked as you and Midoriya walked to the rooftop. Right now, you two were going to spend the next hour on the rooftop until school ended since it was your free period. It's been 3 months since you first interacted with Midoriya and now you two are tied at the hip.

In fact, you could remember the first time he ate lunch with you:

You had just walked onto the rooftop and trudged over to the edge. It was a sunny day and the warm rays hit your face. The air smelt fresh and you heard a few birds chirping.

You took a deep breath in and heard the doors behind you open, which you figured was Midoriya.

"Don't do it, please!" You heard a shrill voice shout from behind you. You turned around, confused, and saw Midoriya, his eyes glossy.


"I know I don't know you that well, but I want to get to know you! I'm sure whatever you're going through will be over soon, I just know it!" His hands flew to his uniform and gripped it, his eyes never leaving you.

"Dude, I-"

"Y-You're not alone! Times can be hard, I understand that! But you have so much to live for, and I'll be the one to show you, I promise!" You only stared.

He cared about you. Even though it didn't even cross your mind that it seemed like you were going to jump, he tried to stop you. Eventually, you realized that there was an awkward silence as Midoriya continued watching you, making sure you weren't going anywhere.

And in the first time of your school years in Aldera Junior High: You laughed. You held onto your stomach as you fell over, cackling at the top of your lungs. Midoriya's eyes widened at the sight.

After about 2 minutes of you howling with laughter and Midoriya just standing there, you wiped the tears in your eyes. You shakily stood up, trying not to burst out roaring again. You looked at Midoriya with a charming smirk, which made him yelp.

"Thanks for the laugh bud but I wasn't gonna jump." You stated, clapping your hands together.


After you invited him to eat lunch with you the first time, he kept showing up. But you didn't mind. Because now you have something you've always wanted: a best friend. In the second week, you two started hanging out in school, you told him about your sister, your parents, and everything in between.

Of course, he was upset. But just like you, he knew he couldn't do anything. So he supported you emotionally. Although you didn't need it, you didn't push him away. He was trying to make you feel better, talking about when he became a hero, he'd make sure you'd have a comfortable life as an adult. You only laughed at his small gestures, but to him, they weren't gestures. They were promises.

You could tell that you started feeling happier when Midoriya came into your life. Instead of waking up in the morning and dreading going to school, you now found yourself hopping out of bed, excited to see your friend. You started smiling and laughing more, only around him though. 

"My mom really wants to meet you. I've told her some things about you and she said she wants to cook dinner for you." Midoriya said, playing with his hair. You nodded.

As you both made it to the doors that led to the stairwell for the roof, something suddenly shoved you against the wall, causing you to bang your head hard against the wall. Your bag was thrown off of your shoulders, landing on the opposite side of the hallway.

"What the..." You muttered. You glanced up and rolled your eyes. There was Katana, sneering down on you and her friends snickering at your now disheveled hair. Midoriya tried to walk over to you to help you up but was held back by two of Katana's male friends.

𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚂𝚗𝚘𝚘𝚣𝚎, 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙻𝚘𝚜𝚎 (𝙱𝙽𝙷𝙰 𝚇 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳𝙴𝚁)Where stories live. Discover now