This is like a dream, no, a nightmare.

Start from the beginning

" technoblade, is he here? " Dream asked , his voice rolling off as caring. Cogent enough to fool anyone else, but not the piglin hybrid. " is who here? " the piglin asked as if he didn't remember the young boy living at his residence for the time being, Dream rolled his eyes and huffed out. " you know who, the little contumacious child. " Dream demanded to know where the tremendous child was, technoblade scoffed. " look Dream, he's not here. " technoblade disagreed, trying to get the masked man out of his door step.

Tommy's eyes widened, Dream is here. He thought to himself, before he knew it the floor creaked, alarming the people in the house of his presence. Dreams eyes met Tommy's, the world stopped turning and it felt like it was just them against each other.

Dream pushed technoblade aside, holding his netherite axe on his right hand, small purple particles coming from it, letting Tommy know that it had just been enchanted. Tommy's breath hitched, he had been found and he would pay for it.

" Tommy! Why don't we go home? " Dream said diffidently, trying to convince Tommy he was safe. Technoblade tried getting up but then again he couldn't go against the masked man, they had a favor. At any point Dream could ask for that favor.

Tommy backed up against the door, letting it creek and open behind himself. His eyes widened, this must be a dream. " do I have to elucidate? Come on Tommy, don't make me do that. " Dream asked, he swayed his axe from hand to hand , approaching closer and closer until him and Tommy were barely 6 feet apart. Tommy was against the wall pulling his hands behind his back and opening the window, getting ready for an escape he might have to make.

" Dream, Im not going back to exile. " Tommy said lowly trying to be reticent. Dream let out a small 'tsk' before throwing an axe next to Tommy's head, marking the wall beside him. " it's either you come with me or I kill you, Tommy. " Dream said dangerously cold, Tommy finally made his escape, he rolled up the window sill, grabbing it and jumping down, the snow breaking his fall.

He ran, ran faster than a cheetah (maybe.), his feet taking him, fear Pursuing him to keep going and not look back. But he could hear the light foot steps behind him that seemed to get quicker and quicker as he ran.

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

Tommy smiled and giggled brightly as he ran through the garden which was once behind their house, he heard his brothers running behind him, trying to catch him during the innocent game of freeze tag.

" boys! Don't run too far, lunch will be done In an hour! " Their mother yelled at them as her wings flapped up and down in worry of her kids, philza smiled as he lowered his head to get through the door way, walking towards his wife, holding her shoulder and wrapping her in his jet black wings which were turning a dark grey by the days. " don't worry Kristen, techno is with them " Philza said, putting his head on top of kristens. Kristen simply huffed out a small laugh and smiled as she watched the 3 boys run further and further, the sun hitting their faces perfectly.

" Tommy! I'm gonna catch you! " Wilbur yelled as he chased his younger brother through the small wood which was on top of a small hill next to their small cottage house. " no way! Leave me alone , Wilbur! " Tommy giggled his way out of words, keeping up a chase as technoblade and Wilbur chased after him.

Tommy fell down the small hill, his body rolling with the wind. His brothers stared in shock, trying to check out if their younger brother was okay. Tommy stopped rolling down the hill, letting himself slowly sit up. He gave up two thumbs up and smiled at his siblings.

───*.:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.:*.。✱ ───

Tommy tripped and fell through a cliff which led him to land on snow, his back made a small cracking sound causing him to wince in pain. Dream looked down and jumped, making Tommy get up right away and keep running, his breathing getting heavier and heavier.

Tommy came to a stop as he finally lost Dream, siting down next to a trunk of a now cut down tree, he coughed out a liquid of red. He tilted his head back and rubbed his collar bone, his breathing became even again.

His vision started blacking out, making him as tired as a sloth. He finally fell into his craving sleep which he wished never ended.

He wanted his nightmare to end.

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Wc; 1,330

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