The "date"

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"Holy fuck this is cool" Ben said, smiling brightly. Jeff chuckled lightly going over to him.
"I know, I set it up last minute because I thought you'd like it...since I heard you wanted to go on a picnic with someone" he mumbles the last part slightly, flushing a bit.
"O-oh yeah I did" Ben giggles out also blushing. Jeff pulls Ben by the arm and smiles.
"Well- it's a date then?" He says slowly but with a smile.
"It's a date" ben nods in assurance.
They make their way over to the blanket and take a seat, Ben on one side and Jeff on the other, they stared at each other for a long, long moment before Jeff broke the silence.
"So, I brought soda..and uhm food to eat since we haven't really eaten today, and also alcohol for later" he explains to the elf, who was listening intently, a smile always on his lips.
After awhile they had finished their food and soda and was just beginning to get into the alcohol.
"Wow, wine, whiskey, and vodka. You really know how to mix your drinks" Ben giggles before taking a bottle of whiskey, chugging it for a few seconds like it was nothing.
"A true alcoholic" Jeff says, grabbing the vodka and taking his drink.
"I could say the same about you Jeffrey" Ben replied with a playful wink.
Another while passed and the two males were totally drunk.
"Y-ya know, Jeff?" Ben slurred crawling over to Jeff with a smile.
"Huh" Jeff replied, staring at the younger male silently.
"I r-'hic' really, like you, like I love you man" Ben said nodding his head solemnly, like he was agreeing with himself.
"Same" Jeff replied looking to Ben, in his drunken state, Jeff didn't even process what the elf said, all he knew, is that he was tired. So he continued, asking "sleep?"
Ben nodded and pushed Jeff over, onto the ground where he proceeded to climb on top of him and plop himself down, right on the paler males chest.
"G'night Jeffy" Ben yawned out.
"Mm night" Jeff replied, both males passing out more or less seconds after that.
When the duo woke up they scrambled off of each other, it was still pretty dark out, but strangely they didn't have too bad of headaches, they could still think clearly and were basically completely sober. Perks of being a proxy they had supposed. The thing was though, as they decided to walk back, Jeff had gotten the memory of Ben telling the paler male, that he loved him. So he had decided to ask him once they got back to the cabin.

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