part 2.3 - maneater

Start from the beginning

When I woke up I was in the back of a truck. I had rope around my wrists and ankles and duct tape over my mouth. I looked back and saw Donna tied up and laying on the road. I looked into the truck. Bruce had a gun held at Brooke. She was in the drivers seat. I watched the front carefully. Bruce cocked the gun and held it at Brooke. She looked back and we made eye contact before Brooke turned back to Bruce. I saw her start the truck. Gun still at her head. I held on to anything I could grab. The truck flew backwards fast almost sending my flying out if I had let go. Once the truck stopped I looked to see if Donna was okay. There was no blood or guts on the road so she was fine. She climbed out from under the truck and helped untie me. I heard a gun shot go off and I quickly looked back to Brooke. Bruce fell out of the car. Brooke had shot him. Donna ran up and wrapped the rope around Bruce's neck. "Donna wait!" Brooke yelled.

"Hell no! I'm chocking this motherfucker out!" She strangled him.

"You don't wanna do that, trust me."

"We can't let him get away with it!" I told Brooke.

"Who said anything about that?" She smiled. The girl hit him over the head with her gun knocking him out. We tied him up to the telephone pole with the rope. Once he woke up Brooke cut off him thumbs. "Jesus." I whispered to myself. Donna looked at me.

"Your hitchhiking days are over asshole." Brooke said dropping his thumbs on the ground. She picked up her bag and put it on her shoulder. I started walking towards redwood away from the truck.

"What are you doing?" Donna asked.

"This is as far as you go. Redwoods close enough. We can walk it the rest of the way," I said. Brooke walked up next to me. "You've done more than enough." We began to walk away. Before Donna stopped us.

"I'm coming with you." She sighed. "I need to see this through to the end."

one day before halloween

Maeve's POV~

Donna, Brooke, and I sat in a diner and ate breakfast. "Lost in a memory?" Donna asked Brooke who has been silent.

"Just thinking about the future, actually. I can go anywhere when this is over. Do anything. I need to get a new social security number, but otherwise, I'm no one." She explained.

"Where do you think you'll go?" I asked.

"I don't know. Australia, maybe. I always loved those Crocodile Dundee movies. The first one, at least." She took a breathe. "I'll figure it out. As soon as Margaret's dead and can't hurt anyone again."

"Let's go back to the motel until it gets dark." I suggested. "Then we can sneak in. Too risky during the daylight."

"And in the meantime you better start eating." Donna told Brooke. "Margarets probably got that crazy-person strength, and you're gonna need that kinda strength if you're gonna be the final girl."

"Final girl?"

"That's right you missed the 80s. Every horror movie has a final girl, the one who survives it all and lives to tell the tale. As I see it, that's either you are Margaret." Donna sipped her coffee,

"Why can't it be you?" Brooke asked.

"Or me?" I asked.

"A black final girl? Sweetheart, they kill folks off with my complexion first. As for you, Meave. I don't know. I just have a feeling about Brooke."

"Seems fair." I dead-pan before taking a bit of bacon. A woman walked up to our table. She had red hair and black glasses.

"I'm Stacey Phillips. Has anyone ever told you that you look exactly like Brooke Thompson." I looked at Donna and then Brooke. Brooke looked worried before she quickly brushed the look away.

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