part 2.3 - maneater

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Maeve's POV ~

We drove down the road listening to some pop song on the radio. Bruce was sitting next to me in the back. "How far do you have to go?" Donna asked him. "To your girlfriend."

"Just up a ways. I'll know the exit when I see it."

"Is she expecting you?" Brooke asked.

"Sure is."

"Do you guys think we should find Alex and call him?" I interrupted. "He might wanna be here for this."

"We can tell him after. We don't have time to wait. Why didn't you call your girlfriend and have her pick you up?" Brooke changed the subject back to Bruce. I looked out the window and watched as we passed by fields.

"She doesn't like to drive. The roads scare the hell out of her." Bruce spoke. "I heard about this on the news. It's happening all over. So you're driving at night and you see a car coming towards you with it's headlights turned off.As a courtesy, you flash your lights to let him know to turn on his headlights. That car then makes a U-turn. They follow you home and kill you." I turned to pay attention to the man. "There's true evil out there."

"No, I think you're just trying to scare us." Brooke tuned to face him. "I've dealt with people like you every day for the last five years. They use fear to try and control others. It's not gonna work with us. We made a mistake. Your rides over."

"Woah, woah, I was just making conversation." He put his arms up in defense. "I'm sorry if I said something that got under your skin."

Brooke told Donna to pull over and she did. Bruce leaned back into the seat. "Just trying to be nice." I told him to shut up. Donna stopped the car as Bruce started to light a cig.

"Sorry, dude, you gotta get out." She told him.

"Do I, Donna?" He cocked his head to the side. Donna looked at me and then Brooke. Bruce stuck his hand out the window. "It's an oven outside. I could get heatstroke. You wouldn't want that on your conscience, would you, Donna?" Brooke turned to face the back.

"We're not gonna ask you again." A police car pulled up behind us.

"Shit." I said under my breath. Brooke looked at me with a panicked look in her eye before shoving something in her bag. A man got out of the police car and walked up to the car window. Donna rolled it down.

"Everything okay? There's no services out here for miles." The police officer asked.

"Everything's fine officer." Bruce saluted the man.

"You guys together?" Donna looked back at me.

"Actually, We just met him." I said. "Talked us into giving him a ride."

"Haven't you seen the posters of the girls that have gone missing along this highway? I'm gonna need to see some ID from everyone." I look over at Bruce who is pulling something out of his pants. I see that it's a gun and my eyes widen. He aims it at the cop and shoots. Bruce gets out of the car as the cop falls to the ground.

"Shit! Go!" Donna stepped on the gas and sped away. I could hear Bruce yell 'Fuck you!" From behind. He fired his gun off a few times. I ducked down in the seat. After the gun stopped goin in off i leaned over to close the open door. We were far away from Bruce. Donna stopped behind a truck at a red light.

"I never thought I'd say this, but my mom was right. Never talk to strangers." Donna said. I let out a small laugh. The cop car came speeding up behind us. I flew forward in my seat on impact. Our car hit the truck in front of us. I heard a gun shot go off as I lost consciousness from impact.

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