"I've heard whispers, but I always thought it was a myth of sorts... you can't think it's actually true?" Joseph replied, ignoring his niece.

"I can't be sure, but the possibility of it existing won't leave my head," he groaned.

"Even if it was there, how would it even help us? Is there supposed to be a 'Destroying Horcruxes for Dummies' book or something?" Cassie joked.

Joseph shot Cassie a warning look at her statement causing her to shoot her hands up in defense.

"Horcruxes are the darkest of Dark Magic. You didn't know what it was for a reason, Cassie. There's nothing on their existence in Hogwarts because they are that dark which is why there must be a book in the Ministry," Regulus explained.

"That's if the alleged Ministry restricted books even exists," Joseph pointed out.

"Isn't it worth the risk though? We've run out of options at this point. Nothing we've done has so much as scratched the damn locket," he grumbled.

Cassie shrugged, "Seems like it's the best option we have, Uncle Joseph."

"If we do this, and I repeat if, how are we expected to get inside? It's not like any of us can waltz into the Ministry. I'm a known Death Eater and you both are supposed to be dead," said Joseph.

"What if we disguised ourselves? We could use polyjuice potion," she suggested.

"You do know that it takes nearly a month to brew, right? How did they let you graduate early," Regulus joked. "It's a good idea, but we'd be sitting around for far too long so it wouldn't work."

"Actually, I think it might work," Joseph began causing Cassie to stick her tongue out at her Uncle smugly while he rolled his eyes.

"With being in hiding the past year I brewed some polyjuice potion to have on hand in case of emergencies," he explained.

"See! We could do that then! At this point it's our only option to try to destroy this thing," she admitted.

"If you have the potion I say we take the risk," Regulus declared.

At this, Joseph paused for a few moments as though he was deep in thought. "Fine," he said softly after a long pause, "we can do it, but we'll have to plan this out. If anyone finds out who we are this whole horcrux hunt will be over before it even starts."

"So let's get started then," Regulus smirked.


The next couple days consisted of them coming up with a plan that would get them in and out of the Ministry easily. It took a lot of planning, but eventually they figured out a scheme that should bring them no troubles if everything went right.

It was the night before they intended to go through with finding the book early Monday morning. Cassie was sat at the kitchen table skimming through the Daily Prophet her Uncle was able to score while out for more food earlier this afternoon.

She was peacefully reading when she came across a headline that made her drop the mug of tea to the floor. Cassie couldn't even register the worried questions of her Uncles, she was too in shock.


"What the hell is this," Cassie hissed as she slammed the newspaper in front of Joseph.

"Oh, shit," he mumbled under his breath. "I'm so sorry, Cassie. With everything going on I forgot to mention how Pettigrew was captured."

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