Chapter 16 - Nobody Stays Dead Forever, You Know That...

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Flashback 6 Years

(Y/N) stood near the edge of the cliff overlooking a vast landscape. In front of him sat the headstone of his lost beloved. He had only recently found out about the passing of his wife, despite the fact that it had been multiple years.

(Y/N): Hey, honey... It's been a while hasn't it? I've been gone for too long... much too long. You knew better than anyone why I had to go. I've made so much progress... to the point where I can be around people without worrying about losing control. If you were still here... we'd be celebrating.

Tears began to well up in his eyes.

(Y/N): But I can't even think about that without...

He couldn't even finish his sentence. He fell to his knees as tear streaked down his face and fell onto the ground.

(Y/N): I'm so sorry, Summer. I didn't want this to happen. I wanted to come back to you. I wanted to come back and fall into your arms one last time. I wanted to come back and be the father that I should have been all along. I would take it all back if I could... I wish I hadn't gone into that damn cave... I wish I could still be here with you... You were the love of my life, and I left you alone...

He stayed there silent for a few seconds before letting out a scream of anguish.

(Y/N): SUMMER!!!

Flashback Ends


 (Y/N): Run through it again.

Ruby groaned.

Ruby: Okay...

Ruby began to use the techniques and postures that her father had taught her. Despite her protest and clear desire to not train, (Y/N) could see a fire of determination in her eyes. No doubt this was something that she had gained from both her mother and father.

Ruby: Once forward...

Ruby jabbed her hand forward, sending a wave of invisible force forward as well.

Ruby: Once back...

She jabbed her other hand backwards, sending another have in that direction.

Ruby: Forward once more...

She sent a kick forward, releasing another, albeit more concentrated, wave of energy.

Ruby: And now, down!

She drove her fist into the ground, sending a shockwave in all directions and shaking the whole training grounds.

Ruby: Demon Technique...

(Y/N): Very good... you seem to have taken a keen interest in the Demon Technique in particular.

Ruby: I don't know. It just flows well for me, I guess.

(Y/N): That's fine, as long as you know when and where to use techniques.

Ruby: Umm... Okay...

(Y/N): Take the Demon Technique for example. It is designed for when you are fighting alone against multiple opponents at once. If you are in a group with allies, you risk hurting them with your blunt force waves.

Ruby: Okay... I understand... I think... 

 An alarm then went off on (Y/N)'s scroll.

(Y/N): And with that, we can take a break.

Ruby slumped down on a nearby bench.

Ruby: Ugh, finally, I'm totally exhausted.

(Y/N): I think I've got something for that. Hold on one second.

He walked around the corner. About a minute later, he came back holding a small cooler. He set the cooler down next to the bench. Opening in, he pulled out a pair of soda cans. He handed one of the cans to his daughter and sat down next to her.

Ruby: Uh... Thanks, Dad...

(Y/N): No problem kiddo.

 Ruby took a sip from her soda and then let out a long sigh.

(Y/N): Something wrong, Ruby?

Ruby: What? No... I'm fine.

(Y/N) then let out a similar long sigh. He could tell exactly what was on her mind.

(Y/N): I know that you don't like me... you have no reason to like me... and I'm not going to force you to like me. I just want to be able to feel like a father for once...

Ruby: It's not that I hate you...

(Y/N): Huh?

Ruby: I just can't get it out of my head... whenever I look at you, I just see all of the times that you weren't there when I needed you to be. You were hardly there, and when you were, it was never at the right time.

Hearing Ruby say this broke his heart. He knew he had been a bad father, but he never knew that this was how she truly felt about the whole ordeal.

Ruby: I wish that none of this ever happened. I wish that you never had to leave and you were there for me when you needed to be. Maybe if you were never cursed, Mom would still be here... I wish we could have just been a family.

She began to softly cry into her hands. (Y/N) then rubbed his daughter's back with his hand in an attempt to console his distraught daughter.

(Y/N): I know... I do too. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't hate myself for being so stupid the day I got cursed. I'm so sorry, Ruby... I'm so, so sorry...

(Y/N) stayed there for a few minutes. He did not say a word. All he did was comfort his saddened daughter. It wasn't until then that he spoke again.

(Y/N): When people are gone, it is left to the ones close to them to carry on and do what they would have wanted.

Ruby: And... What would Mom have wanted?

(Y/N): She wouldn't want us to distance ourselves from each-other, that's for sure.

Ruby sniffled.

Ruby: Yeah...

(Y/N) smiled and then stood up.

(Y/N): I think that we've had enough training today.

Ruby: But I thought this was just a break.

(Y/N): It was, but we've both got a lot on our minds right now. Please, take it easy for now.

Ruby nodded.

Ruby: Okay... bye Dad.

(Y/N): See ya, kiddo.

 Ruby began to walk back to the dorm buildings.

(Y/N) narration: A long time ago, someone told me that nobody stays dead forever...

(Y/N) slung the rifle over his back and carried the cooler out of the training grounds.

(Y/N) narration: Ever since she told me that, I hoped she was right, and I might get the chance to see Summer again...

(Y/N) turned his head to the left and saw several students walking about the courtyard.

(Y/N) narration: But... knowing the kind of woman SHE was... for the first time in my life, I hope she's wrong... 


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