"Hey," He spoke quietly.

"Hi," Cole replied a little awkwardly.

"I know we aren't supposed to be talking to each other or anything but I kinda need to talk to you," He whispered.

Cole chuckled, "Come in, why are you whispering?"

Jay peered behind him briefly before coming into the room properly and closing the door.

Cole knew he shouldn't be allowing this but if Jay really needed to talk, then so be it. Besides, maybe a little conversation wasn't so bad, but just as long as it was important and completely necessary. 

"I don't want Nya to find me in here," He sighed.

"Yeah, she's made it clear that she hates me," Cole sat up on the bed as Jay made his way over, "So what do you wanna talk about?"

"Well, um, so it's been a few weeks, and I was just wondering how you're doing," Jay told him, "And I know this is practically illegal right now but... I'm just worried, that's all."

"Um..." Cole thought for a moment, "I'm actually pretty good. My dad gave me the idea to buy a diary so I can write some stuff down that I'd usually talk to you about and it's actually not that bad. I'm enjoying spending some time alone but it does get pretty lonely. What about you? How are you doing?"

"Good, actually. I've been spending a lot more time with Nya. And it's become apparent to me that she'd rather talk about how 'annoying' you are," He responded.

"Really?" Cole frowned, "That's all she wants to talk about?"

"Pretty much," Jay laughed, "And um... how about the... y'know?"

"The... what?" Cole questioned.

"The... crush...?" Jay whispered awkwardly.

Cole froze for a moment, "Y'know what... I actually completely forgot about that. Don't get me wrong, I have been thinking about it a lot but.... strangely, as soon as you walked into the room... I completely forgot."

"What? Really?" Jay's eyes widened.

"Yeah... That's weird," Cole chuckled, "Like really weird. And right now... I'm not feeling anything..."

"You... aren't?" Jay frowned.

"No..." Cole frowned too, "Uh..."

"That's good though, right?" Jay questioned.

"Yeah, really good," Cole replied, "But very strange."

He couldn't believe it. Maybe it was a one off? It was so very strange indeed. Cole spent years and years crushing over Jay and it's all he could ever think about these past few weeks but now that they were having a proper conversation, he wasn't feeling anything except relief that he was finally talking to him again. Maybe it was just because it was the first time they'd spoken to each other in a few days? Maybe it was because he was over him? There was no way he could get over Jay that quickly.

"You aren't lying, are you?" Jay raised an eyebrow.

"No! If I was lying, I think you'd be able to tell. I'd be falling head over heals for you right now," Cole chuckled.

"True, true," Jay smiled.

"So what do we do from here?" Cole questioned, "Do we go back to normal or...?"

"I dunno, it's up to you. Do you think you're ready for things to go back to normal?" Jay asked.

"I don't think so, at least not yet. It could just be a one off, I don't know. Maybe give it a few more days, ease back into things, and see how it goes from there," Cole suggested.

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