All I Need (Drarry)

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(Written based on the quote, "I just need you, and some sunsets," from Atticus)

Draco stomped into the kitchen, and up to the table, to impatiently stand by his boyfriend's side. When Harry refused to take his eyes off the Prophet, Draco started loudly tapping the toe of his boot.

"No," Harry lazily said, flipping the page. Draco huffed and kicked his chair. Harry just chuckled and shook his head. "Careful, you'll scuff those new pretty shoes of yours."

"Twat," Draco said, kicking the chair again and striding to the refrigerator before Harry could land his attempted smack. "I can't believe you're doing this to me!"

"Stop being so dramatic," Harry scolded, taking a sip of his coffee. "Is it so wrong that I want to plan something special for our anniversary?"

Draco let out a sound that registered somewhere between a childish whine and a defeated groan. He hated when Harry pulled those guilt cards on him.

"You know how much I love planning shit like this," Draco protested, piling milk, sausages, eggs, and butter into his arms. He nudged the fridge door shut with his hip and carted the food to the stove. "And you know how good I am at it too."

"Shit like this," Harry muttered, and Draco knew he was biting his lower lip trying not to laugh.

Draco ignored him and continued with his protest. "You can't deny it, Potter. What did we do for your birthday?"

"You took me to the Caribbean to 'indulge my frivolous Muggle fantasy' of parasailing," Harry replied. He finally put down his paper and turned around in his chair to look at Draco. "Among many other 'frivolous' fantasies."

"Sand really does sneak into every nook and cranny," Draco commented, tossing sausages onto the frying pan. As they began to sizzle, he rubbed his backside, remembering the rashes that had been the result of getting caught up in the moment and neither of them being able to resist ripping each other's clothes off in the middle of their private beach.

Draco snapped out of his recollection and continued, "And what about our second anniversary?"

Harry smiled and answered, "Somehow, you managed to rent out the entire top of the Eiffel Tower so we could have a private dinner, surrounded by the lights of Paris."

Harry's reaction to that surprise would forever be burned in Draco's memory. He had set up a portkey to the very top of the Eiffel Tower and as soon as Harry arrived, his eyes had gone wide in wonderment. He'd grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him around the perimeter, as he silently took in the beauty of the illuminated Paris cityscape.

"And what about--"

Draco never finished his sentence, for Harry had risen from his seat and quickly silenced Draco with a tender kiss.

"I never said you weren't absolutely spectacular at surprises," Harry murmured against his lips. "I'm just saying that now it's my turn."

Harry pressed forward with another kiss, this time with his tongue coaxing Draco's lips to part. He obliged, twisting his own tongue around his gorgeous, yet maddening, boyfriend's.

Just as a delicious heat was starting to intensify in Draco's stomach, Harry pulled away and planted one last kiss on Draco's nose. He just laughed when Draco let out a moan of longing.

"I have to go or I'll be late for my meeting." He grabbed his Ministry robes and pulled a small, wooden box from the pocket. "This portkey will activate at six-fifteen exactly tonight. Be ready."

Draco took the box, turning it over to examine it. It wasn't anything fancy. The only marking on it was a heart carved into the bottom, with HP+DM inside it.

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