Breathless Knight

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Louis: He's been fighting his frenzy, and is still barely resisting.

Yakumo: Tough kid.

(Y/N): What a trooper...

Hearing (Y/N)'s voice, Luca turns back to look at him and starts the usual routine of telling him to beat it.

Luca: Wait, it's dangerous—

(Y/N) just raises a hand to stop Luca, pointing at Mia as she slowly inches ahead of the group. He sets his sword down on the soft snow and readies his bayonet, waiting for the cue so he can decide between the two meanings of fear.

Mia: I'm sorry Nicola. I never realized...

Mia grips her weapon tightly and looks at her own feet. But in that moment whatever shame or fear that kept her feelings bottled up was crushed by newfound determination, her head raising as much as her voice when she exclaims both her presence to her dear brother and her challenge to the monster keeping him captive.

Mia: But your sister is here now! I AM HERE!

Her yell triggers all the animosity held by the mindless successor. The party charges the enemy and the successor plants his shield to the ground, all of the teeth on the edge digging into the snow and stone to make him as steady as an entire stronghold.

Mia opens with a quick shot, a small test that the massive shield easily passes by shrugging off the small blood bullet. But that doesn't stop her, she keeps approaching  the knight.

She suddenly brakes, kicking up some snow, and Yakumo overtakes her. Yakumo places his blade flat against his back and bends forward a bit. This allows Mia to jump up and be propelled above the knight.

She has a clear shot to the knight's nape, even if the distance is too close she still takes the opportunity. At the same time Yakumo twists his body to build up a strong swing aimed at the exposed arm beside the shield.

Mia's shot lands with a clear effect on the knight, making his head jerk forward with the impact. Yakumo's slash makes it to the arm not properly covered by the shield and penetrates the armor, but quickly snapping his shield to the side, the knight manages to parry the strike and minimize the damage he takes from it.

Using that opening, Louis comes to deliver a series of quick slashes to the knight's exposed flank. His sword makes contact, but the armor is way too thick and his very first strike bounces violently off of it.

Louis: So tough...

Surprisingly, next was Io who, despite being right beside (Y/N) not a second ago, had charged the knight in the bling of an eye and thrust her halberd into the gap on the knight's pauldron. It had been the first solid strike landed in this fight.

Just as Luca was starting to approach the knight, he uses his free hand to shove away the polearm embedded in hiss shoulder, slams down the shield in a failed attempt to hit Io who backstepped out of the way and spun his whole body. The motion was too slow to hit anyone, but still made the nearby revenants back off and prevented anyone else from getting too close.

The group flanks the knight as he recovers from the attacks, taking their stances and studying their enemy. Louis now had two hands gripping his sword, trading some of his agility for more power, and scanned the armor for any weak spots they could exploit.

There were the obvious places: the eye sockets and the neck opening, but other than that the armor seemed to be flawless. Every other plate covered its neighbor's faults perfectly, but one thing was made evident as the knight shook the shoulder that was just struck. The armor was very flexible too, so gaps would expose themselves with movements the wearer made.

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