Dead Girl

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Edit: hi guys! Re-reading my story , I realize it was way too graphic!! I'm going to change it up quite a bit but still keep the main subject.
A week has past.

Zion has dropped off Austin when Georgia wasn't home so she wouldn't know where they ran away to. Ginny is starting school tomorrow, she's worried that people will treat her differently.

"Don't worry, darlin'. It will be okay." Georgia said before handing Ginny a taser. "Why do I need this?" Ginny asked. "Just in case the PI comes to you and harasses you. I caught him so spyin' on me a couple weeks ago." Georgia said. Ginny nodded and walked outside of her house. Austin tried to leave too. "Uh-mh, little guy. You are now gonna be homeschooled!" Georgia said. "Aw, man!" Austin said then stomped on the floor. "The teacher is here." Georgia said then handing a home school teacher a list of things to do for Austin. "Bye!" Georgia said out loud with her sweet Alabama accent.

Ginny was stepping outside as she was thinking about how she looked at her mother differently. She was terrified of her, but also felt just like her. Brave. Confident. Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw Marcus skateboarding in front of his house. "Hey." He said. "Hey." Ginny responded. "Can I walk you to school?" Marcus asked. "I'd like that." Ginny said then smiled. Marcus put his skate board on his front porch and put on his brown jacket Ginny loved so much. She would never say it out loud, but she loved the way Marcus dressed, smelled, smiled and everything else. She knew when she was in love when she realized that she loved the way he smelled. Marcus's scent was a mix of weed and potato chips.

When she entered her school, everyone started cheering and clapping. "What's going on?" Ginny asked in a panicked voice. "Well, people started talking about how you are a 'baddie' for running away. Our generation is so stupid. They also thought you died. So they made up the name, 'dead girl'." Marcus said. "How original." Ginny said in a sarcastic voice.

While walking to her class, Hunter stopped her. "You are making a mistake. I love you." He said. "Please Hunter, let me by. I don't want to talk to you." Ginny said. "You can't ignore me forever." He said. "Please, let me by. Like I said on the phone, we're over." She said ina. Firm voice. Hunter grabbed Ginny's shoulders and said, "this is a big mistake you'll regret." "LET ME BY!" Ginny yelled. She finally got past Hunter and sat down in class.

While leaving school, Brodie invited her to a party in his basement to celebrate her coming back safe. Ginny was weirdly surprised, Brodie never showed caring for her. "Okay. I'll be there." Ginny said.

Later that day, Ginny put on a tight, silver dress that highlighted her waist. She told Georgia that she was going to Brodie's and Georgia said it was fine if she was home before 1:00 AM. Ginny nodded and walked outside. She called an Uber because she figured Maxine was already there.

Once Ginny arrived, she was feeling uneasy and uncomfortable because there was no one around Brodie's house. No cars, no lights, no people, nothing. She brushed it off and walked inside. Once she went down into Brodie's basement, she was confused. No people? What happened? Did she get the day or time wrong? Then, suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder. "Oh, hey! Where is everybody?" Ginny asked Brodie. "Not coming." He said. "Oh. Is this just a small get together? Did I overdo my outfit?" Ginny asked anxiously, not realizing she was slowly being cornered. "No. You under-did it." Brodie said. "What..?" Ginny asked then awkwardly chuckled. Suddenly, she saw others come down into the basement. Press and Hunter both came downstairs into the basement. They all three corned Ginny. That was the last thing she remembered...
Ginny woke up in her bed, clueless with extreme nausea and a pounding headache, with a fat bump on her head. Guess who was sitting on her vanity chair with a glass of wine and an RBF. She asked her mom what happened the night before. "I don't know. I stood up still four, waiting for you to come home. I can't believe you were gone so long. Do you know how irresponsible that is?! You were so hammered last night, you aren't even listening." Georgia yelled at Ginny. "No, mom. I didn't drink. I went to the party, but no one was there. Then, Hunter, Press and Brodie... What did they do...? (SUDDENLY A FLASH BACK— Ginny was screaming- "NO, STOP!" Then banged her head on the wall.) I-I.." Ginny froze. "What, Ginny! I don't got all day! I'm already late for work." Ginny looked at her mom with a pale face. Her mom felt uneasy just at the look of Ginny. She quickly started retching, regurgitating— the next thing she knew her mom was holding her hair back on the toilet.

What. Had. Happened??!
Why was she so lightheaded and queasy?
Why did all time feel morphed into one second?
Why didn't she  remember anything from the night before?

Ginny gathered her energy and put into words.
"They... they raped me." What?! Oh, my baby." Georgia said. She ran over to Ginny and hugged her. Then, she rushed her outside to go to the hospital. While walking outside, Ginny vomited on the ground. She fell unconscious again. She woke up in the back of an ambulance.

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