Chapter 1 - Don't talk to strangers

Start from the beginning

"Um, excuse me," the boy said, taking a few steps closer. "But I believe that's mine."

The person's head turned from the open book to the green haired kid still standing a few feet away. Now that he was closer he could tell that it was a guy, probably in his mid twenties.

There was an uncomfortable pause where the stranger just stared at him. Taking in his appearance without moving a muscle.

From where he stood the young man's face seemed emotionless. That was untill it turned into a whide grinn.

"Oh right!" The stranger quickly stood up while rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry for looking through it. Just couldn't help myself after reading the title."

"O-oh, no worries," said the boy feeling slightly flustered. "I'm just glad someone found it."

"Yeah, found it on the ground. Guess it was a good thing I picked it up." The man chuckled, walking up to the kid. He then held out the closed notebook infront of him for the boy to take.

"T-Thank you.." He said while reaching for his book. Though when the greenette tugged at it the stranger's hand just tightened its gripp. Confused the boy looked up at the young man only to freeze in his place.

Blood red orbs locked with his own emerald ones making his heart stop. The man's face was dry and crusty, having a few visible scars as well. The overly happy smile had been quickly replaced with an unreadable expression.

"'Hero Analysis for the Future, number 5,'" the young man recited the notebook's title, still maintaining eye contact. "Quite interesting indeed.."

"W-Well I-I-I.." The boy stuttered, trying to think of something to say.

He kept opening and closing his mouth until he completely gave up. Something about this guy made him feel uneasy, like something wasn't right.

"You have a lot of potential," said the stranger. "Something those brats don't seem to understand."
He had said the last part with a quick glance at the boy's still bleeding knee.

The greenette startled at the tone of his voice. The fact that the young man knew he was being bullied by his classmates felt strange. He could of course have seen Kacchan and the others push him around when they first entered the park but the boy could have sworn that there hadn't been anyone else around.

Just as the kid was about to respond a sudden roar of thunder made him jump. Looking up he noticed the sky being darker than before. It was almost like the sound had woken him up from a feverish dream.

Letting his gace fall back on the stranger he noted the guy seemingly unfaced by the loud sound. Something did however feel different about him. As if a new spark had entered the red orbs that continued to stare down at him.

"I-I should really get going," he said, nerves evident in his voice. "But thanks again for saving my book."

The man's eyes narrowed before quickly turning towards a distant sound. Voices seemed to draw nearer by every second, making it clear that a group of people would be walking by soon.

He suddenly took a few steps back letting his hand retreat in the process. "Oh no truble at all," the cheerfulness had returned to the young man making him draw his hands up in surrender. "I'm actually glad I got to deliver it to you in person."

The greenette slowely nodded his head feeling slightly hesitant to look away from the guy infront of him.

Feeling the notebook in his hands he realized it was surprisingly dry. A bit damp but still intact. He probably had the tree branches above him to thank for that.

"You should be heading home," the hooded man smiled. "Wouldn't want you to catch a cold now, do we?"

"Oh, right!" He quickly pulled his notebook inside his jacket before half turning.

"W-Well it was n-nice meeting you mr," the boy said, doing his best to be polite. "B-bye, have a good day!"

He began walking off, hoping the guy wouldn't be offended by his quick pace.

"You too Midoriya.."

For a split second, everything fell silent.

His body stiffened and his eyes grew wide. It was like his breath had been knocked out of him as he now stood completely still.
Swallowing the lump in his throat he cautiously turned back around. "H-Hey, how d-did you..?

But the hooded man was nowhere to be seen.

Behind him a group of teenagers passed by, laughing and shrieking as another loud rumble could be heard..

'How did he know my name?'


Hello dear readers!

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my first Mha fanfic!

This is an account were I'll be writing about different fandoms and right now I really felt like trying out the Villain Deku Rehab AU.

It's an amazing idea which is why I'm a bit sad that there aren't too many stories about it!

I'll do my best to update but life does like to fuck with you so I can't promise it will be regularly.

Wow, you really read my boring ass introduction? Damn, have cookie 🍪

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