Chapter 3 - I love you

Start from the beginning

"Okay lets go" Karl followed Nick out the restaurant, out of the corner of his eye he saw the girl followed them out, she was smirking, "Hey Karl! Ew who the fuck is he? Let me guess. you left me for that? I expected better from you. You're dumber than I thought." Nicks eyes became blurry as he felt tears form through the pain. 

"You know what Vik, yeah.. I did leave you for him, he is amazing, the most amazing thing to ever happen to me" Karl looked Nick in the eyes, not really knowing what Nick wanted. He wrapped his arms around Nicks torso and held one of his hands

"Oh my god you guys are gross! Why would you even have a boyfriend? You guys are disgusting!"

Karl's acting became real emotion by this point, "Uhm, so Nick, doesn't Clay want us to do some editing for him?" "Oh yeah he texted me about it um around 5, 10 minutes ago" "Well we have to go, um I hope I never have to see you again"

"Hm? What was that?" she gave Karl a death stare "Oh uh it was nothing"

"*cough* so Karl- Clay needs us remember?" Nick finally blurted out dragging Karl with him gently. "Yeah he does. Cya" Karl ran along with Nick till they got to his car.

------Back at the house

"Wow she was kinda crazy,"

"Yeah, she really didn't like you and me"

"What did you mean by when you said 'I did leave you for him' Does that mean we are official?" 

"Umm only if you want it to be. I don't want you to be uncomfortable. I said that so she would leave us alone, I'm really sorry if I made it weird" Karl looked away, tears filled his eyes thinking he messed up.

"Hey don't worry, my love~"

Karl looked back up at Nick, "My love?" He was confused. "Don't you hate me for what situation I put you in? I'm sorry again..."

"What?! I would never hate you. You are perfect. I'm totally fine about it, I wasn't that uncomfortable. I've been meaning to ask you something.. will you be my boyfriend? Like officially?"

"Yes! of course Nick! I've always loved you and I've never known how to tell you."

Nick pulled Karl in closer until there noses were practically touching, "I love you"

"I love you too, Do you want to watch a movie and cuddle?"

"Yeah sure! You can choose it" Nick insisted for Karl to choose the movie, seeing Karl happy made him happy

"Hmm what about the 'Dream SMP War'?" (I'M SORRY I COULDNT THINK OF ANTHING ELSE!)

"Okay that sounds fun" they cuddled up together. After 1 hour of watching the movie Karl eventually fell asleep on Nick's lap, His cuteness was testing his limits making him blush. After watching the last 45 minutes of the Dream SMP War, he fell asleep, resting his head on a pillow next to him.

------In the morning

Clay walked into the house at 10 AM with George seeing Nick and Karl cuddling on the sofa still asleep. "Okay so George, these are the lovebirds, one of them I live with, you want to wake them up?"

"Do I want to? Is that even a question? Duhh of course I do!"

"Okay, 3. 2. 1."


They both woke up, Nick obviously heard it first, "Can you guys shut the fuck up?!" "Clay I was comfy and you made me jump!" Karl sprang off of Nicks lap and stood up. "Wait how long have you seen us like tha-"

Then it happened -^- Karlnap SmutWhere stories live. Discover now