Chapter 2: Dream...

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!TW! is there any?

A/N Sorry still no Smut this chapter... :/

Clay walked back into the café smiling

"Someone's happy, who called?" Karl asked

"Oh it was George! He is in LA and is coming to Bad's tomorrow! :))"

"Ooh okay that's cool, anyways lets finish eating!"

"Okay Karl" Karl pushed his hair back noticing that Nick looked at him and blushed turning slightly pink. Everyone was looking at them dream smirking with his eyebrows raised at them,

"Hey Karl, Nick! Get a room please?!" Skeppy joked around making them blush more but also made everyone laugh.

"Skeppyyyy, leave them alone please!" Bad tried to convince Skeppy to stop,

"Ugh fineeeee" He gave in to Bad finally

----- They finished their food and left to go home because it had already been 2 or 3 hours

"Soooo Nickk, you like Karl hey?"

"Umm promise not to tell anyone please"

"Promise! Tell me please!"

"Okay... I do like him... Please don't tell anyone though"

"YES I KNEW IT! YESSSSS I SHIPP SO HARD!!!" Clay shouted trying not to be loud but being really happy for the 'future couple'.

"I'm going to do a story time stream because I hit my sub goal so I'll be back in like two hours okay" Nick hoped that Clay wouldn't tell Karl his secret because he would never be able to look anyone in the eyes properly again. Not even his best friend...

"Okay shorty" *tea kettle noises*"

"Shut up Clay.." He frowned at the height difference between them both and went on his tiptoes but it made no difference. Why did Clay have too be so tall.

"I'm going to Walmart do you want anything?"

"Uhm yea can I get a soda?"

"Mhm I'll be back in a minute. Quick question will you have your face-cam on Nick?"


"Okay I'll come in with the dream mask on then"

Nick remembered that Clay had never shown his face to the internet before and felt bad for making him wear the mask in his own home.

STREAM DONO (tts): Is dream going to be live as well snapmap?

"Haha no not today but he will be coming onto  the stream later on" he chuckled at his nickname 'snapmap' even though it got annoying at times.

STREAM CHAT: Do we need to close our eyes!? Face reveal? Omg really? Should I get the bleach for my eyes if we see his face!!!??? 

"No chat don't worry he told me he wouldn't do a face reveal just yet"

The chat was shocked by his words 'Just yet' . Maybe he was going to show his face? Nobody knew what he meant by that but they just ignored it

DING- Nick got a notification, it was from Clay

He told the chat he would be back while he texted Clay back.

Green Boii: Tell everyone to watch your stream, Gogy, Karl, Bad, Skeppy- Everyone!

Sappy Nappy: Oh uh okay? Any reason why?

Green boii: Maybe... I don't knowwww

Sappy Nappy: c'mon tell meee! I know you want to tell me!

Green Boii: You will have to wait and see you know ;)

Sappy Nappy: Oh okay then, I'll tell everyone now then I guess?

Green boii: Go on! 

Sappy Nappy: I'm going! I'm going!

After telling everyone to watch the stream soon they were all on

Clay came home not long after and knocked on Nicks door-.

*knock knock*

"come in!"

The whole chat box was jaw dropped by what they saw. Handsome, Tall, Blond haired, Emerald Green eyed man.


"I never promised," he laughed as he looked straight at the camera looking just as hot as he sounded in his videos and streams. Clay posed for some edits and profile pictures and then he wheezed like he normally did, this time he fell onto the floor which made Nick burst laughing along with him.

"N-Nick! *wheeze* you loo- k like su- ch an id- iot!" He struggled to get out his words through the laughter.


Clay's phone began to ring, George was calling.

"Hey uh should I turn my camera on now since you know what I look like?"

"Clay.. who else knew before me?"

"umm... Karl, Bd, Skeppy and obviously Nick. I'm sorry"

"It's fine, you weren't comfortable with showing your face to me before. Don't say sorry Clay,"

"Thanks George, I though you would hate me..." A tear started to roll down his face only just managing to say his sentence. They both heard from the other room "Sunset_Dream01 thanks for the 9000 gifted bits oh my god! Thank you so much! oh my gosh you didn't have to gift that many holy shi-" he was cut off by Clay walking in, "I'm going to pick up George from LA I'll be back tomorrow okay. I'll book me and Gogy a hotel room for the night. Why don't you invite Karl to come today?"

"Oh yeah that's a great idea! I'll call him now. Bye Clay!"

"Bye, if I come home and I see anything un-holy I'm kicking you out you know that right"

"haha right"

Clay left and Nick called Karl, he was exited about spending the night with Karl without Clay, of course he loved him but sometimes he wanted to be away from him. Nick wanted some time with his other best friend.

It's always 3 AM when I finish these storys lmao. I have to wake up at 7 AM today and I'm just going to be so tired lul 

Anywaysss the final word count is 1011 sorry its a short one today, hope you like it and its enough you know. aggh I have to sleep :[ oh well. night I guess lol.

Have a good night / morning / mid - day everyone :]

love you all :)

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