First Day

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Dakota Beauchamp's POV:

' Shit I'm going to be late, and on my first day'

I quickly throw on my shoes and run out the door

( Time skip )

'Great, I got here just in time' I take a deep breath and open the door to the classroom

"Ah you must be the new transfer student"

"Yes Miss"

'Ah crap they don't say that here. Everyone is looking at me like I have five heads'

"Sorry I mean Sensei"

Saiki's thoughts: ' Weird I can't see through her...or read her thoughts, nonono not another Nendo'

" Its alright, you may introduce yourself to the class now"

" Hello my name is Dakota Beauchamp, I'm from the USA, please take care of me" I say as I write my name on the board.

I hear people whispering, " Beauchamp, what a peculiar name"..." she's from the USA???"

" You may take a seat behind Kuboyasu, Kuboyasu please raise your hand"

A purple haired boy in the back raises his hand. ' He looks cool, maybe we could be friends'. I quickly go take my seat and the lesson starts

Kuboyasu thoughts: ' Damn she looks like a thug , an I'm done with that life.  Better stay away'

Saiki's thoughts: 'Haven't you heard about not judging a book by its cover'

( Time skip )

' Its lunch time now. I better just take a seat in the back. Just as I'm about to open my lunch box a girl with blue hair starts talking to me'

" Hello my name is Teruhashi, would you like to sit at my table?"

' I look over to the table shes looking at and there are three girls with a bunch of boys swarming the table. I'm sure their nice and all but those boys are so fucking annoying'

" No thank you, but I appreciate the offer"

" Okay see you later"

Teruhashi's thoughts: 'The audacity of this girl to say no to me, doesn't she know how lucky she is that I'm talking to her, but whatever, I'm the perfect pretty girl, it doesn't bother me'

Saiki's thoughts: ' God if Teruhashi's head gets any bigger she won't be able to fit through the door'

' Now I can finally eat in peace, or at I thought I could until a tall boy approached me'

" Hi, my name is Nendo, want to sit at my table?"

I look over at the table he's pointing to and see Kuboyasu, a boy with light blue hair passionately talking about something, and a boy with pink hair staring off into space looking utterly done with the world. This looks like an interesting group, I'll fit right in

" Sure"

" RRReally!!"

" Yeah why not" he looks surprised

I walk over and sit down

" Hi I'm Beauchamp the new transfer student"

" WERE YOU SENT HERE BY DARK REUNION TO GET ME" the blue hair boy blurts out

" What?" 

" Just ignore him, he's not all their" the pink hair boy says looking annoyed


" So anyway theirs this evil power in my reunion..........jet black spell......."

' I'm sorry I asked. Finally after what felt like forever the bell rang and I've never been so happy'

" Awww the bell rang, Ill tell you the rest later"


( Time skip )

'Finally the end of the day, everyone is nice and all but too much social interaction makes me exhausted.' I get my shoes and head out. As I'm approaching the road to cross, I get a weird vibe coming from over there. I look up and see the crazy blue haired boy from earlier. Fuck. I run and grab him and pull him off the road causing me and him to fall to the sidewall. Just after that a car comes barreling down the road.

" Wahhh TTTHANK YOU" he says blushing

I get up and hold out my hand to help him up

" Its fine just pay more attention next time"

" I WILL, I OWE MY LIFE TO YOU, TEACH ME HOW TO BE A HERO TOO" he says almost crying

" Please don't call me Hero , it's weird, how about you just tell me your name"

" Ahh your right, my name is Kaido"

" Okay well bye Kaido"


' That was close, he was seconds away from being a pancake'

I walk home, get changed out of my school uniform, and get a snack

'Today wasn't that bad , I met some potential new friends'

I go into the fridge to get some fruit...and its expired, and so is the milk, and so is the cheese

'Ugh we have to go food shopping,' I take out my phone and call my mom

" Hello"

"We need to go food shopping"

"Okay why don't you go, I'm not going to be home til late, theres money in the drawer by the stove, love you bye"

' Wow what a big help mom. Fuck what am I going to do now, I have a horrible sense of direction, No doubt I'll get lost. But I have to try right? I put on some boots and head out the door.'

'Okay so I think I saw a supermarket over their before, wait or was it over there. I just have to close my eyes and focus, okay I can do this, I think of the supermarket and hold out hands one pointed at the left hand turn and one pointed at the right,... I feel a vibe from the right, must be over their. After walking another five minutes I find it.'

(Time skip)

After fifteen minutes I'm finally done. As I turn the corner I see Saiki

Saiki's POV: 

" Hey, its Saiki right?"

' She startled me I'm not used to someone just showing up because normally I hear their thoughts as they approach me. I turn around and nod my head.'

"I was just out food shopping, what were you doing"

'No not conversation. There is only one option left I must used my annoyed face'

" Pfffff dude wtf is up with that face hahaha"

' No it didn't work. That usually works on everyone ugh'

" So...whats your favorite color"

'What kind of a question is that? I just look at her confused'

" What, someones favorite color can tell you a lot about them"

" I don't have one"

" Oh, so your that type of person"

' What is she talking about. I just look at her again'

"Kidding, kidding, well this is my street"

'Thank god its over, What a weird person'

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