Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Stephanie's P.O.V.


I woke up in a cell.

"Where am I ?", I thought.

I got up from the floor and looked around.

I realized that this was the cell that I was in when I was at Augustine's.

I walked towards the cell door and noticed that it was unlocked, I opened it and I got out of the cell.

After a while of walking i saw a trail of blood on the floor, I looked at it confused.

I followed the trail of blood and it suddenly stopped.

I looked ahead and saw Enzo with a wooden stake in his heart and Damon was laying on the floor with his heart beside him.

Stephanie- No... -I whispered shocked-

I felt tears coming down my cheeks, I started to walk backwards and I bumped into something...I slowly turned around and saw Mikael...

Mikael- Hello Stephanie... -he smirked and then he grabbed me by the neck and after that he put his hand trough my chest grabbing my heart-

Stephanie- Mikael, -he smirked evilly and then he rip my heart out of my chest-

*Dream Over*

I woke up with a gasp of air, I sat up and started to breath heavily.

I put my hand where my heart is suppress to be...

"Its still there...", I thought.

I got out of bed and then I walked out of the room, heading to father's.

When I got there, I knocked on the door.

Klaus- Come in... -I heard him say-

I opened the door and got inside, I saw father walking around the room, when he saw me he stopped and looked at me.

Klaus- Are you okay ? -he asked me-

Stephanie- Would you mind be okay if I stay here tonight ? -I asked him-

Klaus- No, I don't mind...are you ok ? -he asled me again-

Stephanie- I...had dream about Mi-Mikael... -I told him-

Father sighed.

Klaus- Your not the only one... -he whispered-

I walked towards the bed and sat down, father sat down beside me.

Stephanie- Even if Mikael's dead, he still finds a way to make us suffer... -I whispered to father-

Always And Forever (T.V.D. , T.O.) Book 1 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt