Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Stephanie's P.O.V.

The next day I woke up by the sound of drilling coming from the courtyard.

I sighed and got out of bed, I walked towards the balcony and saw the cause of the drilling...Lijah

Stephanie- What the hell Lijah ?! -father, Genevieve, Zafira, Lyra and Jenni appeared on the other balcony-

Klaus- Stop with the racket !! -he yelled at Lijah and he told the workers to stop-

Lyra- What the hell are you doing ?! -Lijah looked at her-

Elijah- I think that it's time to fix the place up -he told us-

Genevieve- You know, I agree with Elijah -she told father- It's time for an update -she smiled-

Zafira glared at her.

Zafira- If you're agreeing with Elijah it mean that you want what is it ? -she told Genevieve while crossing her arms-

Genevieve- You're right, I want to celebrate The Feast Of Blessings. It's when our members of our community offers gifts to the witches in exchange for blessings. We would like to use it to introduce our Harvest Girls.

Stephanie- After what you did to me and my family ?! No way !! -she looked at all of us-

Genevieve- Think about it... -she started to walk away-

(A While Later)


Lijah told us that he was going to let the witches celebrate their festival.

The Harvest Girls were on thrones.

Monique was dressed in a floral dress to represent earth, Abigail was dressed in white to represent air and Davina was dressed in red to represent fire.

Monique got up from her throne and stepped forward, then she raises her hand causing an earthquake. Then she sat back down on her throne.

Abigail got up from her throne and stepped forward, she raises her hand and strong winds appeared. Then she say back down on her throne.

Finally Davina got up from her throne and stepped forward, she raised her hand and a dozen of fireworks set off.

Everyone cheered.

Genevieve- Now you can give your offerings -everyone made a line and Hayley was the first one to give a gift-

She stepped forwards and looked at Davina smiling.

She started to walk towards her but Genevieve told her to give the gift to Monique.

Everyone was giving gifts to Monique and Abigail.

But no one gave a gift to Davina.

She looked like she was about to cry.

Always And Forever (T.V.D. , T.O.) Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now