The Sugar Plum Princess Arrives! Happily Ever After

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Upon entering the castle you notice several guards pass by. You aren't too worried since they're children but you're more concerned about getting placed in the dungeon. The boys must be around here somewhere. You try finding a door that is heavily guarded. None so far. The guards are mainly patrolling the area. Eventually you find two guards standing in front of a large wooden door. They have swords and spears. They're toy soldiers and seem to be bored. You walk up to both of them with a plan ready.

"There you two are. The king has been asking for the both of you. He says that if you're not there within five minutes that he will be sure to turn you two in worms!" You said sternly.

Both guards gasp in horror and run off. Smiling to yourself you grab the keys hanging on the wall nearby. The door isn't locked so the keys must be to their shackles. All three are inside the wooden prison.

"Nutcracker!" You run up to Yugi giving him a hug. Yugi couldn't help hugging you back.

"You're safe." He said.

"You're here to save us!" Joey says.

"Good job! How did you get here?" Asked Tristan.

"The fairies helped me! They flew me here. We better hurry!"

"I think the rat king started a bonfire." Joey said.

"That's right. He was planning to burn me alive." Yugi said.

"Yeah the king wanted to use him as an example." Joey said.

"We better hurry before the guards arrive." Tristan said.

You unlock everyone's shackles. Everyone began running down the hallways toward the castle gates. It was easy sneaking past the guards. Many of them were gathered by the large bonfire. The rat king was giving everyone commands as his guards were filling the large bonfire with wood. Yugi became angered noticing many citizens from Toy Land and Gingerbread Village. They were all in chains.

"Is this any way to treat the people of Parthenia?!" Yugi grabs his attention.

The rat king hissed at Yugi. Your courageous nutcracker drew his sword and pointed it directly in the air.

"Your reign ends today!" Yugi said.

You and the others assist in helping the people escape from their shackles. Yugi fought the rat king. While they duel you and Joey explain how the rat king has been transforming the children into his toy army. All the worried mothers became horrified. All fight left the soldiers as they try finding their parent in the chaos. The king transformed his magical scepter into a hatchet. He began swinging at Yugi who blocked every attack. He managed to graze the rats ear causing him to hiss. Their duel continued. The rat king was beginning to get irritated so he used his magic to make himself grow five times larger. He then casted a fire spell on the bonfire.

"No..!!" You shout.

Yugi was able to block the kings harsh attacks but it proved to only avoid the inevitable. He was simply out matched by the king's large size. The king laughed as he gave his finishing blow. Yugi was knocked into the concrete base where the bonfire was held in. His leg and arms are broken. Unfortunately his wooden face is slightly chipped from the kings hatchet weapon. Everyone gasped. You run over to Yugi standing in front of him protectively. The king was about to blast the nutcracker with his magic.

"You're nothing but a coward! You hide behind the magic scepter..!" You yell.

The rat king hissed at you. A verbal threat in his language no less. You notice a shield nearby and pick it up before the rat king can hit you with his magic. Yugi screamed your name in worry. The shield was enough to reflect his magic. It shot his scepter out of his hand. This caused him to turn back to his normal size. You run over to the scepter shield in hand. The rat king scowled as he barred his jagged teeth hoping to bite at you before you reach his scepter. You manage to grab the scepter first. You block his bite with his own scepter causing his teeth to shatter. Everyone cheered you on except for Yugi who is hoping you'll win unharmed. The rat king fell to the ground clutching his mouth in pain. He was screeching loudly.

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