Max & Ruby and the Big Storm Part 2

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That afternoon, the clouds partly cleared away and the sun was able to shine. The birds started chirping again, which Ruby could hear through her open window as she was laying in her bed reading a magazine with one leg crossed over other. Wind started to blow into her window, which Ruby felt. She gasped and quickly got out of bed and ran to her window and shut it. She was taking no chances in case another storm were to show up. Just then, Mrs. Bunny knocked on her ajar door.

"Yes, Mom?" said Ruby as she peaked over at the door.

"Hey," Mrs. Bunny said as she entered and approached her daughter's bed. "I guess I should ask how are you feeling? About today?"

"I mean, it was scary," said Ruby. "But I'm glad you're all okay."

"So you're alright, sweetheart? Just checkin' on you."

"Yeah, Mom, I'm fine," Ruby said.

"Okay," replied Mrs. Bunny. "Well, if you ever do need to talk, please don't hesitate to come to me and your father." Giving her a thumbs up, she left the room and shut the door, leaving Ruby to struggle to distract herself again from the fear she was really feeling inside.

That night, lightning flashed and thunder roared as Ruby was wincing in her sleep. The camera rapidly zoomed in on her face followed by a flash as the scene transitioned into her dream. Max and Ruby were playing in the backyard when all of a sudden the tornado siren started blaring and a huge dark tornado rose out of the ground. It sucked up Max before it started chasing Ruby and managed to swallow up the yellow house in the process. Just as it was about to suck Ruby up as well, she bursted awake in her bed. She gasped and panted as she sat up in her bed drenched in sweat. She took one look outside her window and saw and heard the rain pounding against the glass as lightning flashed and thunder clapped. She had about enough of the storm.

Ruby grabbed her pillows, her blanket, and her stuffed bunny and tiptoed through the dark hallway before making her way down the stairs. Startled by more lightning that practically lit up the whole house, she dropped everything and covered her ears, waiting for the thunder to accompany it.

As soon as the thunder clapped, she picked her stuff back up and made her way to the cupboard under the stairs. She grabbed a couple more pillows off the couch for support and set up shop underneath the stairs. Feeling protected, she fell back asleep and slept peacefully snuggling her stuffed bunny.

The next morning, Ruby woke up to the sound of Max's footsteps pounding the stairs as he ran down them to have breakfast. She got up as well and emerged from the cupboard. She made her way back upstairs in her nightgown yawning as she approached her parents.

"Oh my gosh, Ruby!" Mr. Bunny exclaimed.

"We were worried sick about you!" said Mrs. Bunny. "You were not in your bed and we didn't know where you went or what happened to you!"

"I was sleeping beneath the stairs," Ruby replied.

"Beneath the stairs?" Mr. Bunny replied back. "What the heck were you doing sleeping down there, honey?!"

"I, uh... I got scared of the storm last night," Ruby shamefully admitted.

"Awww, was that it?" Mr. Bunny said. "You know you could've just slept in our bed, sugarbun."

"I just... didn't wanna disturb you guys," Ruby said humbly, looking down at the floor.

"Don't even worry about that, sweetheart," said Mrs. Bunny. "If you're ever feeling scared, we don't want you to hesitate even the slightest to come to us."

"Yeah," said Mr. Bunny. "That was quite a big storm last night too. But the good news is, the sidewalks are practically clear now with the streets, and it's supposed to be sunshine and beautiful today, Ruby. So maybe you outta take Max to the park and even invite Louise and Valerie to work on your Bunny Scout project over there."

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