It was no secret he found the girl absolutely stunning, the way her blonde hair would sway with her steps and how she would twirl it in her hands when she was bored. The way her eyes shimmered in sadness whenever her old life was brought up or Stefan tried to talk to her. Her petite body fitting nicely in the black leggings and sports bra she wore due to the heat.

Klaus often found himself looking at her admiringly, most of the time he also scolded himself. He couldn't allow himself to get distracted with such things but he just couldn't help himself.

He was pulled out of admiring by a woman's voice. He turned and saw one of his workers coming to him with a file in her hands.

"We were told to inform you if the brother, Damon was seen. He was outside the farm house." Aurora's eyes lit up at the sound of her brothers name and she hopped off the stool and stared at the woman in disbelief.

"Thank you Claudine, tell your friends to keep up in the friendly neighborhood watch." The woman left with a nod and Stefan joined the duet noticing the way tears glossed over her blue eyes.

"Our brother still on our trail?" Stefan asked, Klaus sighed.

"Yes, I'm going to have to take care of that." Klaus said, Aurora snapped her head towards him and let a tear slip. Her voice was small and high.

"What?" Klaus looked over and saw how she had a single stream of tears pooling out of her eyes.

"No no, let me." Stefan said quickly intervening, Klaus re-directed his focus to Stefan.

"Now why should I let you leave?" Klaus asked coming closer to him, Stefan shook his head.

"Because you'll know I'll come back, you saved my brother. I'm in your service, plus Aurora is here." Stefan pointed to Aurora.

"Oh you sound so tedious and indentured, aren't you having the least amount of fun." He smirked pointing to Ray who was still tied up against the wall with multiple darts in him. "I know Azazel did." Klaus said smirking towards Aurora.

"I'll make sure my brother doesn't bother us anymore." He then walks out but Aurora's voice stops him.

"Stefan?" She comes closer to him.

"Yeah?" He said looking back at her.

"Tell him I love him and to stop tracking us." She said with a small smile, she knew that if she wanted her brother to live he would have to stop tracking them knowing the next time Klaus would kill him or send a very deliberate message. Stefan nods and walks out.

Aurora sighed and went back to her seat, pushing aside her lemonade she ordered a round of vodka shots. Klaus gave her a look and went to sit next to her. During her time in the mansion she had managed to convince one of the people who came and restocked her food, the only one she didn't kill on sight. To get her a whole bunch of alcohol, and then she created a high tolerance for it. Alcohol numbed her emotional pain and helped her forget.

"Are you sure about that love? I really don't want to deal with a drunk witch." Klaus said teasingly. Aurora downed the first shot without a reaction.

"One of the people who came and restocked my food, I managed to not kill them on sight and I convinced them to bring me tons of alcohol which I grew a tolerance to. It helps with the pain." She downed another and Klaus listened to her story.

"The first week was absolute hell, I was in mass amounts guilt because I killed an innocent person, my brother trapped me in a mansion which I destroyed the first day I was there. The sick thing was, is that I tried to kill myself." Klaus frowned, he didn't like the thought of the blonde beauty being in so much emotional pain but it also told him that she had major abandonment issues which is something he could relate to.

"There was this pond, it was so beautiful. The trees reflected off of it making it even more pretty. The second month I was there the pain was the worst, I don't know why but it was. I rummaged through every drawer in that house until I found what I was looking for." Aurora held out her hand and watched as smoke came out and formed a crescent shape, then it disappeared leaving the same black crescent shaped blade that was used on Stefan.

"Azazel hid it from me and put a spell on it so I couldn't summon it but I found it. I went over to pond and went in it sitting on a rock. I then dragged this knife across my wrists and didn't even cry, or scream, or anything when my blood poured out. I felt my energy draining and I slipped under the water. I was happy to great death but was utterly disappointed when I woke up next to the pond with only faint scars." Aurora had tears falling down her face and the blade disappeared and she held up her wrists and showed them to Klaus. And sure enough, on her wrists were faint pink lines that ran across her wrist in one line.

Klaus was absolutely torn on the inside, this small girl who held so much innocence had gone through something no one should. She was being mentally tortured by herself and having to be alone everyday and faced with fact that her own brother had brought this upon her.

"And the worst part of it was," she let out a small sob. "Was that Stefan broke his promise to me also, he promised I wouldn't be alone ever again and he was the one who shut the gate. I remember the face Elena held too, and it just fueled my anger. She held the look of victory, she had the audacity to have a smug look on her face while I was sobbing and screaming for Stefan's to not leave me and he claimed to protect me but really he was scared of me." Her voice cracked at the end and Klaus couldn't stand it anymore, he picked the girl up and held her to his chest as she sobbed. He shushed her and petted her hair.

"It hurt so much Klaus, it hurt knowing he cared more for a human girl than his sister. It hurt so much knowing he would let me die before Elena. It hurts." She said through sobs, Klaus moved over to one of booths with her still in his arms and sat in it with her in his laps. She still sobbed and clutched his shirt.

Klaus didn't know why he was acting like this, he just felt as if he needed to. He knew and he accepted in that moment that he cared deeply for Aurora Salvatore and never wanted to hurt her.

"Call me Nik"

Word count: 2270

_______Word count: 2270

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Innocent Aurora (𝙽.𝙼) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now