X. Guardians Join the War

Start from the beginning

"It seems you are in the process of finding Percy within. Keep him by your side and watch over him. As such, Jack will be keeping watch over the hunters and hopefully continue to let Percy out during the night."

"Diana." Thalia calls out to the goddess of the moon. "Will he be the same as before if he let's Percy in?"

"Jack is Percy and vice versa. Both are practically identical in almost all aspects. The biggest difference between them is the memories and love that one holds for you. The slight difference is their maturity; one still immature though battle hardened."

"Thank you, for giving me hope again." Thalia smiles sadly.

"Everyone present should know what task they have and what to expect in the future. This council is dismissed." The gods nodded in response and flashed away in various forms or colors.

The moment Diana left with the guardians, Jack woke up in Thalia's arms being carried like a princess.

Thalia stared into Jack's eyes for a minute before he finally spoke up. "Could you um, put me down now?"

The goddess quickly puts Jack down on his feet giving him the chance to reorient himself. Still in the throne room, though it was now empty except for them and a small Hestia tending to the hearth with a blank expression.

Thalia offered up a hand to Jack and with a genuine smile said. "Let's go home now Jack."

For a split second Jack froze as his eyes shifted. The look on his face disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared. "Yeah, home."

That night after dinner, Thalia excitedly went to sleep early in anticipation of seeing Percy again. Just as the lone goddess hoped for, Jack came into her tent sleep walking. His form shimmered and Percy stood with a sad smile in Thalia's direction.

Percy reached her bed and was about to move some loose hair to the side of her face. Thalia's eyes opened and she smiled brightly before engulfing Percy in a bone crushing hug.

"How?" His husky deep voice instantly put shivers down Thalia's back. "You're usually so still and stiff."

"I know it's you Percy." Thalia responds while placing a gentle hand on his cheek. "I've missed you so much. Stupid kelp head."

"I missed you too love." No words were needed as the couple finally locked lips for the first time in 30 long years.

"Stay. Please." Thalia pleads with watery eyes.

"But, Jack."

"I know you two are the same people, it's fine."

Percy smirks with his mischievous eyes. "Sleeping in the same bed with someone that isn't your boyfriend? I don't know, sounds suspicious."

Thalia punches Percy on his arm causing him to laugh. "Please Percy. Stay with me tonight."

Percy looks into Thalia's eyes sadly. "It's because of me isn't it?" Thalia had a confused expression on her face. "A goddess with depression and nightmares. I'm so sorry I did this to you Thals."

"It's Zeus' fault with his stupid jealousy and hunger for power. I've never blamed you for anything. But Percy, how did you know?" She requests as she places a gentle hand to his left cheek.

"It's hard to explain." Percy leans into her hand, grabbing hers with his own left hand. "This power, my true power I guess, I can do so much with it. I felt it Thals. All your pain and sorrows, all the suffering you went through alone, I felt it with one look."

"Well, what about the glowing markings? Not to mention the insane amount of power you radiate." She waved her arms around.

"Jack's true power." Percy shrugs. "He doesn't seem to realize how powerful he really is because he's still kind of childish. This is what he's supposed to look like."

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