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Pallavi was working in office till late, her phone was switched off. After few hours she left for her house, it was raining heavily outside and she drove  slowly to prevent herself from an accident. She reached Deshmukh's mansion and saw the hall lights on, she went towards the hall and saw her in laws waiting for her eagerly. She knew that they were waiting for her to come back and they will have dinner together, it was their daily routine.

Pallavi: Sorry mum ! Sorry dad! I was stuck in a meeting.
Sharda: it's okay Pallavi! We were just worried because it was raining so badly.
Nikhil: Pallavi di, did you come by your car or did you hired a taxi?
Pallavi: I came myself!
Vijay: Pallavi be careful! That's why I want you to take driver with you. Coming alone at this time it's not safe for a girl.
Sharda: leave all these things! Pallavi go and change and then we will have dinner.

Pallavi went to her room to get changed while Sharda prepared the dining table with Nikhil's help, after few minutes Pallavi came and they had dinner discussing about their business and upcoming events in family. Pallavi helped Sharda to clean the kitchen and then she retired to her bedroom, Sharda went to sleep as well. Sharda reached her room and saw her husband reading a book.

Sharda: Vijay!
Vijay: yes!
Sharda: why don't you convince Pallavi for remarriage?
Vijay: I tried many times but she is stubborn like our Mandhar was.
Sharda: but Mandhar is gone now! He will never comes back, so should we keep Pallavi with us like this?
Vijay: what do you mean?
Sharda: people talk badly about our Pallavi! They say we are eating her earnings.
Vijay: it's people's job to talk about others.
Sharda: but whatever they are saying it's the truth eventhough it's bitter. I want Pallavi to marry again, I want to see her happy and content like Mandhar always wanted.
Vijay: then just pray a prince comes and fill our daughter's life with happiness and joy.
Sharda: I pray everyday for her happiness.

On the other side in Rao mansion,
A boy was swimming in his king sized pool, he finished his round and came out. He wore a robe and a servant brought him a glass of fresh juice, he drank half and gave it back. Another boy entered of the same age and gave him few files.

Farhad: sir our consignment was successfully completed.
Raghav: great! When is our meeting with mr. Bailey from England?
Farhad: tomorrow at nine sharp.
Raghav: ok ! Is everything set?
Farhad: yes! Sir I got to know that your mother and sister are going to another city for few days.
Raghav: why?(concerned)
Farhad: there is a wedding function of your sister's friend Nisha Pathak and your family is invited.
Raghav: where are they staying?
Farhad: in ms. Kirti's friend house.
Raghav: ok. Have you done their background check?
Farhad: yes sir, they are normal people.
Raghav: ok then make sure my family stays fine there.
Farhad: understood.

Farhad went away while Raghav sat near the pool reminiscing his past, his family, his mistakes. He remembered how he paid a heavy price for one of his silly mistake, he lost his brother and father due to his one mistake done involuntarily. His past still haunted his memories, his life got messed up totally and noone wants to listen to him. His only hope was that his mother comes home back and stays with him.

Next day in Deshmukh's mansion,
Pallavi was having breakfast while Nikhil already left for his university and Vijay went for his morning walk. She was sitting and listening to Sharda's talk.

Sharda: Pallavi are you free today?
Pallavi: why mum?
Sharda: don't you remember next week is Nisha's wedding. Nisha is Mandhar and Nikhil's first cousin.
Pallavi: I know her but I didn't knew her wedding was this month.
Sharda: that's why I want you to start doing shopping because we have to attend it.
Pallavi: you know mum I don't like these functions.
Sharda: dear you can't run from happiness and people! Someday you have to face it. We are attending the wedding and it's final.
Pallavi: but I'm a widow.
Sharda: don't you dar call yourself a widow! You are our daughter and you are coming with us.
Pallavi: okay boss! (Smiling)
Sharda: keep smiling you look good.
Pallavi: I will come early in the afternoon and then we will go shopping.
Sharda: okay I will be ready.

Pallavi left for office while Sharda continued with her house chores, she was adamant that this time she will find a groom for her Pallavi.

Pallavi reached her office and checked the sale of yesterday and it was looking good. She had a meeting with designer and textiles workers, she listened to their views and asked for their opinions. Pallavi was happy that her company was getting its speed and stability back in shares market and even the sale was good. She was happy that Deshmukh's emporium was getting back on its feet. She left for her cabin when her secretary Krishna came in.

Krishna: madam I wanted to talk to you?
Pallavi: yes! Go ahead.
Krishna: madam today our sales prices is looking very stable but there are few mistakes with sarees designs.
Pallavi: what?
Krishna: madam I had few complaints that our sarees material was bad.
Pallavi: call the designer team in meeting room at two. I will have a word with them, our customers adrime our hardwork and they know very well that we appreciate quality over quantity. Don't worry I will solve this issue.
Krishna: madam you have two meetings piled up for tomorrow.
Pallavi: okay, Krishna can please clear my schedule for next week?
Krishna: why?
Pallavi : I have a relative's wedding coming up and my mother wants me to attend it.
Krishna: okay! Madam can I ask you something?
Pallavi: sure!
Krishna: madam I heard that your real family is quite rich then why are you living here? When your husband is no more.
Pallavi: my wedding was an arranged marriage but after Mandhar passed away I thought that this family was my responsibility. Secondly, my brother still wants me to come back but I'm just stubborn who doesn't want to leave her in laws.
Krishna: your thoughts are very unique.

Pallavi got a call and she excused herself while Krishna left to do her work. Pallavi was having the feeling that something big was going to happen.


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