Tricked again

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*** Jax's POV ***

"What do you mean Gilly said she was with me? I haven't seen her since I left the library!" I practically yelled at Kayla. I wasn't mad, she was probably right, I was just panicking. Why are you like this, Theif?

"Look, she said she was doing something with you and given that you've been dating for a week or something I felt no need to question it! Besides, nothing was going on so I don't know why she'd lie or what she's doing." Kayla said, I could tell she was irratated but also worried. "We wouldn't even know she was gone if it weren't for Peaches and her bow, both of her quivers, her boots and Wilson are gone! It doesn't make sense she wasn't even acting that weird..." Kayla trailed off and I huffed an annoyed breath.

I was about to start asking what she might have left to with her bow and arrows and I was wondering if maybe she was meeting Red, but I don't know why she'd have to cover that up. That was until I heard footsteps, heels clicking on the tile floor in a very quick pase to be exact. Headmistress Flora.

"Have any of you seen Gillian? I was going to ask her if she knew where her sister was." Flora said anxiously. Oh no. Anna tricked Gilly again. That nasty little traitor!

"Actually we were going to ask you the same thing," Kayla said. "We haven't seen Gilly in a while."

"Oh no." Flora said and sighed, putting a hand up to rub her temples. "I was hoping I'd get to her before her sister, but it seems I've waited too long." She sighed again.

Harlow and Wolfington ran into the hall we were standing in from opposite sides and both started talking as they reached us at the same time. They were talking fast and at the same time, so I had no clue what they were saying. I was trying to figure out because the fews words I could make out were; Gilly, Anna, woods, trouble and go after.

My irratation built with the attendance of my teachers. Madame Cleo, Blackbeard and Raz (granted she wasn't a teacher) showed up as well and they all lnew what was happening and no one stopped talking long enough for anything that was happening to make sense. After about ten minutes of this I let my anger and nerves get the better of me.

"Can someone please explaing what in Enchantasia is happening right now?!" I bellowed and everyone stopped talking and stared at me before Raz started to explain with a sigh.

*** Gilly's POV ***

At that point I had no clue where I was or how long I'd been following the vaguely human tracks, as it was too dark in the woods to see where exactly I was and I had been to focused on getting where I hoped I was going to pay attention to anything but the tracks.

I turned to look at the trail and a shiver ran through my body like ice sliding down black wall on the hottest day of summer. There was no trail behind me, at least none left by me or that looked like the one I was following. The tracks I had followed thus far now looked exactly like paw prints. Wolf prints. And my own footsteps seemed to be making hoof prints as though I were a deer.

I turned around to face the way I had been heading to see two thing I was not expecting. One; a house that looked like it had icing on the roof and walls with candy stuck in it and two; a wolf with brown eyes that I would recognise anywhere. Anna. She has the same eyes as me.

Wolf-Anna started walking toward the house, tail swishing behind her as she did. I stayed where I was for a moment and she turned to look at me. I took this as a sign and followed her.

When we got close enough to the house I could smell it. It was deffinately covered in icing and those were definatly real pieces of candy. It had a sickening too-sweet smell and I felt ill. Sudenly I realised how stupid of me it was to follow Anna here and I realised I still had no clue what she did or what she could do now.

Wolf-Anna stractched on the door of the house and I almost took the oppertunity to bolt, but just as I had thought I'd made my dicison the door opened. There stood Gretel. She bore an evil smirk as she reached out with something I didn't recognize in her hand. I floated into the house and she smiled evily as I landed on the kitchen chair that was sitting there.

"This will be fun." She said as she poured something on Anna and hse started to turn back into herself and she grabbed something else out of her pockets. (Okay, I'm pretty sure I've been calling ginger root wolfsbane and I feel like an idiot, but I'm gonna keep it up because I feel like I kinda have to at this point T-T. Soorrry.) She pulled out wolfsbane and tied my wrists together.

She then tied my arms to the chair and my ankles together and then my legs to the chair. I wanted to scream but whatever she had done to make float into the room seemed to have removed my capabilities of speaking. (Also, sorry for the people I told Anna wasn't gonna be evil bc I decided I needed a villian >.< sorry, guys.) Gretel smirked wickedly and I scowled at her before noticing a similiar look on Anna's face.

My eyes opened wide in shock. Anna was in on kidnapping my and imobilizing me to a chair? Holy sh!t.

"Sorry about this, Gillybean. Well, not really." Anna said in a voice coated with acid. She then procided to punch me in the face. My eyes opened wider from utter shock. I saw Gretel getting ready to punch me too and realized I might never be heard from again because my little sister and her stupid friend imobalized me to a chair to beat the sh!t out of me and possibly do worse than punch me. I had no clue.

Well, that was until I saw the knife in Gretel's pocket. Looks like I have a lot worse than punches coming my way. My eyes started to fill with tears, how come my fairy senses had betrayed me into running into this trap? Isn't that the opposite of their job?

"It wasn't your fairy senses. I just made it seem like it was. I was in your head the whole time." Gretel mused in what could not be described as anything but a physcotic voice.

I'm going to die here.

Oof, hey guys! Please don't kill me for this. I promise Gilly won't actually die. Thanks for reading, rating and commenting! <3

I don't know anymore! -A Jilly story (FTRS)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara