Hanging out with Jax

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(Reminder, it's from Gilly's POV :>)

"Hey Theif, wait up!" Jax called after me as I walked out of the interview. I waited for him even thiugh I knew what he was going to ask and I didn't know how to answer him. I don't lie to Jax. At least I try not to, but sometimes...

"What's up, Jax?" I tried to ask casually, but it didn't really work. I'm kind of anxious.

"Just wondering if you wanted to hang out, y'know without a camera in our faces. So?" He asked when he caught uo to me. I shrugged.

"Sure." I say and he pulled me away. Maxine called after me, but Jax pulled me away and I didn't try to stop him. Kayla laughed, but it was barely audible because we were already around the corner and heading to the school garden/courtyard.

"So.. why'd you pull me away for the others to the courtyard?" I asked, sitting down on a brick wall that surrounded one of the radish plants.

"'Cause I wanted to hangout alone," he responded, sitting down next to me.

"And why's that?" I ask, playfully.

"Because you're more likely to tell just me what's up with you than everyone." He responded, looking my dead in the eye with striking violet. (I've yet to meet anyone with eyes like his) "Seriously, Thief, what's up? You've been.. off lately."

"Just tired, I geuss. You know how it is, with interviews and stuff and school work. That's all." I responded, trying to keep it casual. That wasn't technically a lie, it just wasn't all of the truth. Ugh.

"You're lying. Gilly, we're best friends, I can tell when your lying. Why don't you want to tell me?" He asked, holding my gaze as his eyes grew ever more concerned. In all honesty, I don't know why I didn't want to tell Jax. I guess maybe I just didn't want him to worry, but it seemed like he was doing that anyway. "C'mon, Theif, you know I care.. just tell me.. please?"

Ugh. Damn his puppy eyes to hell. "Fine. I- I keep having dreams about Stiltskin and Alva and Anna and.. I don't like them-" I felt myself tearing up "-but they won't go away a-and they make it hard to want to sleep. I- sorry." I finnished, whiping my eyes. Jax took my other hand in his.

"Why are you sorry? Because you're crying? That's a real stupid thing to apologize for." Jax said and hugged me. Normally I'm not much of a hugger, but in this case it was alright. (Okay, so I hugged back for like 5 minutes, move on.)

When we stopped hugging I wasn't sure what to say, so I settled on nothing. Jax didn't say anything either. We just say there in silence for a while, comfortable silence. Then we started talking about nothing important and ended up talking about everything. Maybe that's why I get along with Jax better than everyone else; we can talk about nothing or the most important thing in the world and ot stays casual. ( I mean they did talk about the most important thing Jax's world already. And yus I said that, deal with XD)

** at 10 o'clock in the girls' dorm **

"So, what'd you and Jax do earlier, Gil?" Kayla asked in a playful tone that I knew meant she was suggesting we would make a cute couple without saying it. It was so annoying when she did that.

"We just talked," I said with a shrug.

"Lame~." Kayla said in a sing-song voice.

"Leave her be, Kayla. She'll be dating her prince in no time," Maxine said, her voice somewhere between a tease at me and Kayla and seriousness.

"For the millionth time, I am not going to date Jax! He's just my bestfriend." I insisted yet again. They just don't seem to get it.

"Whatever you say, sista," is all Kayla says as a responce before she decides to go to sleep, Maxine following suit. I sigh, my friends are asleep, Wilson is asleep and I'm terribly tired I just don't want to go to sleep. Nightmares are always waiting. I sigh again and decide ot best to at least try to get some sleep.

Hey guy! Sorry this is so short, but I figured you'd rathwr have this short chapter than no chapter, so here it is! Thank you all so, so much for all your support on this story and your reads, rates and comments! :> I'll try to have the next part up by Saturday! <3

I don't know anymore! -A Jilly story (FTRS)Where stories live. Discover now