"Little red dot means it's ready to fire." He hands her back the gun, nodding. "You may have occasion to use it."

 Andrea stood there dumbfounded for a second before nodding back.

"Good to know."


I was browsing the jewelry section with Andrea after picking 2 t-shirts, a tank top, and a pair of shorts.

I had found a matching set of Yin Yang necklaces, those cheesy ones that teenagers would get and parade around like a new phone.

"Heh." I chuckle, picking them up and holding one in each palm.

Andrea looks up from the earing to see what I'm smiling so fondly at.

"What is it?" she asks, putting back the janky mustard yellow dangle earrings she had picked up before.

"It's nothing." I laughed, "Just these Yin Yang necklaces, they remind me of my best friend - the one I came to America with. It's the type of thing we would laugh at together, but end up getting anyway and liking them."

Andrea smiles sadly. "That's really sweet."

"You would've loved her. She was one hell of a bad bitch, nothing could kill her..." I stare at the yang necklace and inhaled sharply. "At least that's what I thought."

Andrea stares for a second before nodding and going back to browsing the jewelry while Rick practically patrols the store window. I put them back on the table since I already had a necklace, which so happened to be handmade and one of two. Jess had the other one.

They were pieces of slate that Jess had found, that perfectly resembled guitar picks.

I think Andrea found something she liked, as she makes a loving sigh.

I look over to see her holding a mermaid necklace. It was cute, I have to admit.

"See something you like?"

Rick came out of nowhere, scaring the absolute shit out of me. I put my hand over my heart as I sigh heavily.

"Jesus, Rick! Gimme a  warning next time."

They both laugh shortly before Andrea answers.

"Not me, but I know someone who would..." She eyes the trinket kindly. "My sister. She's still such a kid in some ways. Unicorns, dragons... She's into all that stuff. But mermaids... They rule. She loves mermaids."

I had to admit, it was a nice necklace. Her sister must still be a teenager, 16 maybe.

"Why not take it?"

Andrea scoffs, looking up for a second. "There's a cop staring at me."

Rick chuckles.

"Would it be considered looting?" She furrows her eyebrows.

I smile at her and close her fingers over her palm.

"If it was, then we'd all be criminals." I wink, patting my bag where I'd stuffed the clothes.

"I don't think those rules apply anymore." Rick shakes his head, a soft smile gracing his lips. "Do you?"

We have a silent moment, and everything feels calm.

But that doesn't last for long. It never does.

The silence is shattered by the splintering of the first glass door, the walkers piling into the porchway of the store. The walker with the brick - seriously, what the fuck though. Why and how is this walker holding a goddamn brick - went straight to work with the inside door. 

Rick moves forward towards the door and is posed and willing to shoot. I follow suit as the rest of the group downstairs flood in, including Glenn and Morales who look just as frightened as the rest of us.

"What did you find down there?" Rick calls, pistol in hand and ready.

Morales shakes his head.

"Not a way out."

"We need to find a way..." Andrea sighs, " And soon."

Fight With You - Daryl Dixon TWDWhere stories live. Discover now