Ch. 7 What are you wearing?

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Its honestly what's expected because there's a lot of young hormonal shifters. Sometimes training can be dangerous if you're not careful. So my dad always has a high ranking wolf in the room at a time just in case they need to stop a fight before it gets worse.

It does help keep everyone in line and doing things right so they don't have to clean the rooms. It's almost laughable but I know I would never want to clean them. If Finn doesn't have a real reason why he wasn't at practice this would be his first warning; or if my father is in a bad mood he would just have him clean it right away.

However, it's hard to tell what mood my father is in but looking at him, I can sense he isn't in the happiest mood right now. With his figure towering over everyone and his more stoic face than usual makes him look like he isn't in a good mood.

He would probably have Finn clean the training rooms just to clean them even if he is one of my best friends. With a grimace on his face for a split second before morphing into a smile that would always get him out of trouble. On second thought, maybe not this time around.

Scratching the back of his neck he sheepishly said, "Alpha! Mr. Swiftwater, the training coach let me off to finish my homework and have a break since I finished everything I needed to do this week. He said I did a great job. His words not mine. I must say you have picked a wonderful new trainer, he will train the new generations well and he's very mature already for his age, very strong too..."

As Finn started to ramble on, my father sighed giving me a look saying, are you really sure this is your friend? I only smiled at my dad and mouthed, "Go easy on him." My father only grunted in response. Leading me to wonder if he will give him a light punishment or not. Finn can be.. what's the word.. very convincing when he needs to.

My father raised his right hand in the air to stop Finn's ramble. Sometimes once he talks it's like a never ending machine that spouts out nonsense but I give him credit for scoring himself some good points from his ramblings. He can always make up something good to say in such a short notice because he is very good with words.

Sighing, my father said, "Okay I will let you off this time but you have to help Garrett out this weekend with the new shape shifters."

Garrett stiffened slightly before sighing. I guess Garrett isn't too thrilled to spend time with Finn this weekend. Stifling a giggle, I looked up at Garret who stared back down at me with a raised eyebrow. Shoot! I guess I did giggle after all. I don't want to make this situation even worse by giggling, how embarrassing.

Smiling, I sheepishly covered my hands over my mouth to stifle the giggles. Garrett only smiled down at me knowing I was trying hard not to laugh out loud. His face held an annoyed brotherly look as he nodded over in Finn's direction before his face morphed into a smile as he looked down at me.

Just then Finn straightened up and saluted to my father first then to Garrett before shouting, "Thanks Alpha! I won't let you and Garrett down sir!"

I cringe a little from Finn as he shouts loudly. I was standing only a few feet from him and my ears are still ringing. My human ears are sensitive from all the yelling not being able to handle Finn's shouts. "But..please don't let me see you in your SpongeBob underpants again. You've scarred everyone's eyes enough for the night," my father tiredly said.

Finn nodded before looking sadly at his choice of clothing. Saying under his breath, "It's not underpants, its pj's." Quickly he looked up to see if my father heard him but he was already running out the door with my brothers.

Looking back at my mother, I only briefly saw my brothers running out the back door with James following behind before they all disappeared into the forest. I missed what they told everyone before they left because I was too busy watching Finn complain about his SpongeBob pj's.

Voicing my question I asked my mother, "Why did Father take Jake, Jared and James into the Forest?"

My mother came over to me and gave me a hug before saying, "Oh, sweetie are you okay?" Nodding my head my mother smiled at Garrett for probably staying my my side and said, "Your brothers just need to burn some energy they should all be cooled down when they get back after a run."

My mother smiled and moved my hair out of my eyes and tucked it behind my ears. A gentle motherly instinct to make sure her daughter was safe. The gesture immediately calmed down the nerves that I didn't even know I had. I let out a sigh before nodding my head to my mothers explanation.

Clapping her hands together she said, "There's a meeting with all the coming of age she-wolves tonight that I will be leading so I will be back sometime around 10 tonight."

Before her hand touched the door knob to go outside she turned around with a smile saying to Garrett and Finn, "Would you guys be able to stay with Cress for a while and watch a movie if you guys don't have anything else planned tonight. I don't want to leave her alone all by herself after the incident just now."

Her voice held some authority behind the words because everyone knows it's a command not a choice but she said it in a nicer way.

Garrett in a general like voice said, "Yes, Luna we will stay until you get back." Finn only nodded in agreement with Garrett.

"Great, there's snacks in the kitchen. I will be back in a little while. Have fun!" With a little wave of her hand my mother disappeared out the front door and was never seen again. DUN Dun dun. Haha sorry that didn't happen just had to say it.

After mother left we all just stood around looking at each other not knowing what to do just yet. Well more like Finn smiling at Garrett as he scowled and me wondering why my mother left me alone with these two boys.

Wait. Why am I left with two of the strongest young warriors in the pack who are very likely going to be my babysitters for the next couple of hours. Well this is going to be fun.

After my mom asked Garrett and James to stay with me I felt like I was being babysat right away. Do you agree with me?

Am I right? Who's parent asks someone to stay and practically watch over their teenage daughter? Apparently it's my mom.

The School of WolvesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz