"You look so different my dear, have you been eating you seem to have lost a lot of weight," she says

"I have been eating, maybe it is just the stress from school," I say.

"Well your mother is in an extremely happy mood and she made food that can last a whole month," my aunt says exaggerating.

"Where is my brother? Is he feeling better?" I ask

"He is in the living room. The doctor gave him some medication and he is feeling better," she says.

"Tell me again what happened," I say

"He had an allergic reaction and his throat began to close making it hard for him to breathe," she says.

I walked to this living room seeing both of my siblings watching tv.

"Rose!" both of them scream as they hug me.

"Hi. I missed you both," I say

"We did too," says my older brother.

"How are you feeling pumpkin," I say.

"Better I am taking medicine," he says

"That's good I am glad," I say

"Rose come to the kitchen," my mother yells.

As I stepped into the kitchen my mother had a big smile plastered on her face. It was something I was not used to since the way I remember her was not as happy as she looked now. She lost an extreme amount of weight and had eye bags under her eyes. Her lips looked chapped and her hair looked more gray.

"Hi mom," I say

"My beautiful daughter came to give me a hug," she says as I move closer to hug her.

She smelled exactly as I remembered.

"Hi Rose how have you been," my father says as he steps into the kitchen.

"Father Hi. I have been good, school has been stressful and tiring but I am hanging on," I say as I hug him.

"I'm glad you are working toward your goals," he says

Well, all sit down at the table and begin to eat.

Everything looked fine. We all looked like one big happy family. But I was only here for my siblings, the only reason I would ever come back. Everyone was chatting around the table while I observed everyone.

My siblings looked happy, they kept asking me tons of questions about school. My aunt began telling me stories about my brothers and how they have been doing extremely well in school. My dad didn't talk much which was typical of him. He just made sure my mother ate properly. And my mother looked happy as well. It was all strange.

After dinner, we all decided to watch a movie together since it was getting late and my brothers didn't want to leave just yet.

Halfway through the movie my mother left the living room and went up to her bedroom. After she left I couldn't concentrate on the movie anymore. My siblings and my aunt looked like they were enjoying the movie but my dad looked worried. I then decided to go up to the room and check on my mom.

Two Broken HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now