Cyclops class Destroyer

36 3 0

Length: 840 meters

Height: 240 meters

Width: 250 meters

Design: the Cyclops class destroyer has a new triangular shaped hull that makes up the majority of the ship. With three primary engines covered by widened flaps of armor at the rear of the ship. As well as a recessed bridge located inside the ship. This is all due to the fact that the cyclops takes inspiration from battleships. Where they both can take and give massive damage.


1 heavy focused laser cannon is located at the didn't of the ship. Firing a ruby red bean at the speed of light. Power, 180 megatons a second.

60 Archer II missiles pods(40 per pod), 22 50mm gatling gauss guns. 4 bident missile launchers(8 per launcher), 8 havok class nuclear devices(80 megatons), 80 laser cannons, 4 200mm dual gauss cannons.

Armor: 4 meters of Titanium A2 battle plate.

Shielding: 3 MK I shield generators

Powerplant: 1  primary gem infused fusion reactor, 3 secondary fusion reactors.

Engines: 3 primary engines cinstijed in a triangular shape. As well as six secondary engines, with two for each primary.

Fighters: only carries four Pelican dropships and 16 small lifeboats for free escape. Built primarily for ship vs ship and against fighters, not for fighter support.

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