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"Oh shit their already boarding passengers" I said as I ran to the port where the passengers were boarding

"Hey kid! are you coming or not?" One of the men who was on the ship saw me as I ran to the boat

I finally got in the boat and thanked the man who waited for me to get in the ship, I was panting like a dog right then...gosh that was probably the fastest I have ran in my life

"Anything to become a hunter I guess"

When I was young I kept hearing stories about hunters, how they are the ones that discovered new places and how they find new species that we didn't even know existed. I wanted to be just like them

"Another kid huh? They keep on getting younger" One man who was muscular said as he stared at me

"They probably won't even make it to the hunter's exam" Another muscular man said as they looked and laughed at me

I sighed and ignored the two men and kept looking around the ship and as I was walking I saw a man who was wearing a suit reading a dirty magazine, I silently judged the man and all of a sudden


While I was walking I bumped into a kid who was half of my height and fell on his butt, I was caught off guard and helped him up, he had green spiky hair and his clothes were all green

"Agh- I'm so sorry I didn't look where I was going are you alright?" I said in a panicked voice as I helped the kid get back on his feet

"No it's alright I was also not paying attention since I was kinda zoning out" The kid said as he scratched the back of his head

"Oh I guess we're even haha..." I chuckled in embarrassment while the kid was doing the same

"I'm Gon by the way, Nice to meet you! "

"Y/n, Nice to meet you too Gon" We both give each other a smile as we shaked hands

After our hand shake Gon started to sniff like a dog looking for something, He then turned to me and stated

"There's gonna be a storm!" He said in a alarming tone as he went to the captain who was just on the deck admiring the weather

"This is gonna be a long day" I sighed to myself as I went to the barracks to rest up a bit

I was the fifth child in the family so being the heir to the family shouldn't be a problem...though my parents don't approve of me being a hunter obviously...

"That's not the way of a Fowler!" My mother shouted at me as I sat there taking it all in

"Mom it's what I want instead of being a sorcerer, There's already so many of us sorcerers shouldn't we get to pick what we want to be in life?" I said raising my voice a little bit

"Fine" My father said in a low voice

Me and my mother both look at him in shocked, is father really agreeing with me?

"Wait, really?" I looked in disbelief, Well that was easy

"Yes but that doesn't mean you get it easy, you have to pass the hunter's exam in order to become a hunter right?" My father questioned as I nod at him

"Alright go and pass the hunter's exam then we'll decide" My father then gestured my mother to go with him and with that they left the room

It took me a few minutes to figure out what happened before jumping around the family room in excitement, I went to my room to pack the things I need to bring for the trip and I bid my goodbye to the butlers and maids in the mansion

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