"N-no..Uh..My powers seem to be at a hault for the moment, grab my hand, I'll find a way out."

I heard shuffling, somehow she found me right away and felt for my hand. Her hand was freezing cold, and when I followed her, I could feel the crisp cold seeping from her. Margot was dead silent behind me. The farther we went, the more damp the air felt. I heard dripping around me.

"Are we in a cave..?" I reached out, feeling the walls. It was cold and damp, hard against my palm.

"Maybe...This could be the way out." Esteria said, her voice sounding calm. Suddenly she let go. I heard footsteps splashing around. Fire started to light all around me, and I saw where we were. Soon, the entire cave was lit, and filled with decaying skeleton bodies, all of them groaning and screeching. It was almost like a stone arena, Knox standing in the center. The figures that were once Esteria and Margot, were now one of the decaying skeletons.

"And I thought Esteria or Margot would be the one fighting me. Seems they are tied up somewhere else." Knox chuckled sinisterly.

"What did you do with them."

"You tell me, I haven't seen them at all." As he said that, the dead skeletons cackled, screeching loudly and banging on whatever they could. Knox raised his hand, and it all stopped abruptly. Knox's eyes wondered down to my chest, the bow around it. When he saw it, his eyes flickered bright gold.

"Why do you have that." His voice was deep and dead serious.

"I found it-"

His face showed extreme concern..Then slowly warped into a devious grin. He hovered his arm above the ground, and a small hole formed in the ground, slowly growing bright purple. His eyes reflected it, and suddenly a large scythe flew into his hands. It was thin and silver, the curved blade at the top dangerously sharp.

"You expect me to fight you."

"I expect you to do whatever you can to win. I know you don't like to loose. Or miss."

"And I know you hate being the underdog don't you...You talk about how you don't understand why you are the leader...You just love being the center of attention as much as you want to hide it." I mocked, knowing this wound enrage him, and for some reason, watching him tense up and his hands form into fists made me smirk.

"You're walking on dangerous grounds. I would stop."

"Thought this was a fight...Can't stop until we start."

He gave me another grin, moving his hand upward quickly. Suddenly, about 10 of the skeleton figures came crawling towards me, screaming louder and louder. I winced, flipping up my pocket knife. When one of them jumped at me, I swiftly avoided it, digging the blade into what would be the top of their skull. It dissapeared with a flash. Knox stood their, controlling more and more of them. Too many came at once and I was buried, there cold arms tugging at every limb of mine. Pain surged through my arms and head, when suddenly I heard a loud yell echo through the cave walls.

"I'm back fuggers." Esteria's voice rang out, which caused an explosion of screeches. I heard something break like glass, and smoke filled the cavern. The skeleton bodies that crushed me, turned into dust. I got up quickly, brushing the remains off. Margot's eyes were going crazy, flashing red and orange quickly. She gave me a small salute and reached into her satchel, grabbing another round bottle, throwing it at a group of oncoming skeletons. Purple smoke filled the area, and left behind piles of dust.
Esteria was already running towards another few, showing off her swordsman skills. She jumped ontop of one, twsiting it's decaying head until it snapped, she moaned at the sound, holding a small satisfied grin. Within 5 seconds, she cut into them, tearing off their rotten bones until it was a pile. The other skeletal remains took the warning, scurrying up the cave walls and into the dark. Margot pulled out a sewed shrunken head, tossing it up in the air, her crazy red and orange eyes flashing quicker than ever. It made a high pitched whistling, much like a firework, up into the cave ceiling. When it got to the top, it let out a loud cackle and exploded. Moments later, a dust storm rained down from the top. Margot let out a demonic like laugh.

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