"wahh yukii~ ok i'm gonna do it!" momo said and run somewhere to get prepared to go fishing

"he easily got contolled" yamato said

"damnit why so manipulative yukirin" tamaki whined

"kora tamaki-kun go after momo-san now" sougo said and glared at tamaki

"wakatta! Just Dont glare like that" tamaki said and run after momo

"now let's get started shall we?" yuki said


——with mitsuki, yuki, ryuu and sougo——

"what sould we prepare for lunch anyways?" sougo said

"well i think we should add curry in our menu" mitsuki said

"mhm, how about meat?" ryuu said

"yeah that too., is there other dishes you want to add yuki-san" sougo said

"hmm i prefere some vegatable dishes" yuki said

"ehh? Seriously?" mitsuki said

"w-well why don't we get started" ryuu said and chuckled lightly

——with yamato, gaku, and nagi——

The tree idols currently in the nearest store of the resort they booked in., ofvourse they were in disguise or else they would be chased by their fans

"oi! Baka! Are you going to buy almost all of these canned beer.. We have underage you stupid!" gaku deadpanned at yamato

"urusai! It's not just for this day.." yamato said

"you guys still picking up beer?" nagi said out of nowhere.. He brought the 1 liter cola and some other drinks

"i don't know what this idiot was thinking..but let me help ya rokuya" gaku said and walk towards nagi

"oh sure desu~" nagi said as he handed gaku some of the drinks he was holding and then look at yamato

"isn't that too much" nagi said and sweatdropped "don't worry i'll pay up" yamato said

"that's not the point" gaku said and also sweatdropped

——with iori,riku and tenn——

Iori and riku was walking side by side they we're carrying the fruits that was asked to be picked up also tenn was walking behind them watching the duo walking infront of him and just listening to their conversation

"nanase-san is that too heavy for you? Let me carry the heavy one instead" iori offered

"dont worry iori im fine it's not heavy for me., your such a worrywart ne iori?" riku said while smiling looking at iori's now flushed face

"w-whaa i'm not.. I didn't worried over you.. It's just i want to help as your teammate and friend" iori said and tilt his head in the other side trying to hide his flushed face from riku

"ehh? That's what you said but you always go to my bedroom everynight to check on me., mou i'm not letting you touch me anymore" riku said and puffed his cheeks

"w-whaa––" iori was about to said somethng when he suddenly geel a chill in his spine he look at the back to see tenn glaring at him while releasing his dark aura

「What Is Death?」(idolish7 Fanfic) ✓Where stories live. Discover now