The pair lovingly leaned their heads together. " True loves kiss. Works every time. " Evie said. Uma turned away and immediately lunged at Fairy Godmother. " Ugh! Give it to me! " She screamed. " I held her back before she slipped from my grasp and dashed for the railing. " Guards, seize her! " Fairy Godmother ordered. " No please stop! " Mal cried out to Uma. " Uma I know you. You are so much more than just a villain. And you have to believe me because I've been there. Do not let your pride get in the way of something that you really want. " Uma looked down at her now glowing seashell amulet. Oh no. " No! No! Uma. " Mal yelled as the daughter of daughter of Ursula vaulted the railing and jumped into the water. Everyone except me ran to the railing to look for her. " Gotta get off this ship. " I said. I was about to grab my girlfriend before a glowing cyclone of water spilled over us, revealing Uma in her giant sea creature form. Her lower body now that of an octopus. " True love's kiss won't beat this. " She boomed. " The world will know my name. I instinctively reached my rapier which I didn't have with me. The one time I didn't bring my sword! The ship began to rock as Uma's tentacles attacked the ship. 

Mal paced around the deck, panting and eyes glowing. We backed away from her as she was submerged in purple mist. Ben looked nervous as I smiled. Make her pay, Mal. Dragon Mal flew off the ship and began strafing runs at Uma with her fire breath. The ship rocked once more when Uma began attacking the ship with some tentacles while swiping at Uma. I held on to Evie to make sure she didn't slip off. " Come on Mal! Let's finish this once and for all. " She continued to goad. Ben let out a beastly roar before handing his jacket to Jay and leaping into the water himself. I politely relieved the jacket from Jay's hands and quickly scoured it for any hair when no one was paying attention. If Ben still has magical residue left then this could mean a breakthrough sooner than expected! I found a couple of strands of hair and stored them in my breast pocket. " Mal! Uma! Hold on! Stop! Back down! " Ben shouted. " What are you gonna do, Ben? Splash me? " Uma mocked. Good question. " That's enough! It's got to stop. This isn't the answer. The fighting has got to stop. Nobody wins this way. " Ben reasoned. That's debatable. " We have to listen and respect each other. " The king continued. " It won't be easy. But let's be brave enough to try. Uma, I know you want what is best for the Isle. Help me make a difference. " Ben stuck his hand out to Uma. She looked to Mal for assurance before moving a tentacle to meet Ben. Mal growled but showed no sign of violent intent. The tentacle dropped the ring that Ben had given to Uma when he was spelled. Uma smiled sadly at Ben before diving into the water. 

I could tell how she felt, to want to turn to one side but not being ready to. Carlos and Jay rushed to lower the emergency ladder. Adam helped pull his son up when he got close enough. " Good job Ben. " Doug complimented. " Ah yes, the negotiator. " I complimented jokingly while wrapping his jacket around him. " We all watched in amazement as Mal landed back on the deck and transformed back into her human form. I was still disturbed by Uma. Where would she go? There was no way for her to get back to the Isle, good. One more scapegoat to use later on. Her form wasn't the only thing that changed. Mal's dress had turned into a color that suited her much better. Ben and Mal shared formal greetings jokingly before the new Lady of The Court was escorted down. " So I did not know that I could do that. " Mal said to Evie. " Tell me about it. That makes two of us. " Evie replied. Mal went to kiss and embrace Ben. " I owe you guys so much. " Ben said to us. " Yeah. " Carlos said and playfully punched his back. " Got that right. " Jay added. " If there is anything that you need, or anything that I can do for you... " Ben started before Evie raised her hand. " Um... Actually... There is Ben. " She explained emotionally before turning to where the Isle was. " I know a girl who'd... Who'd really love to come to Auradon. It's Drizella's daughter, Dizzy. She's like a little sister to me. " Ben nodded. " Then she should come. " He agreed. " Ben there's a lot of kids who would really love it here in Auradon. Kids like us who also deserve a second chance. " Evie admitted. " Can I maybe get you a list? " Ben agreed. which brought applause from the happy crowd.

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