The current novel you had been reading flipped open to your bookmarked page. The plot of your favorite book had just begun to thicken, the intense scenes drawing you in. Just because you had read the pages enough that the binding was now loose doesn't make the story any less amazing.


After what felt like only a couple pages Hinata's squeal rips you from fantasy, landing you cruelly back into this world. An obviously tipsy Kiba, an idiotic grin stuck on his face, had reached up his girlfriend's shirt and was groping her large breasts. The assaulted girl was smacking helplessly at his arms, her embarrassed face redder than his intoxicated one. Smashing his face between her melons, you could hear him mumbling something about marshmallows and s'mores.


Awkwardly turning away from the intimate scene, you witness Kankuro repeatedly poking Gaara's cheek. An empty bottle on the floor next to him, and one nearly empty in his lap. The younger male was trying hard not to snap at his brother's obnoxiousness but was quickly losing patience. The redhead hiccupped. And again. Maybe it wasn't just Kankuro that Gaara was irritated with.


"Have I told you how beautiful you are today?" Naruto was on his knees before Sakura. The blonde had heart in his eyes has he hugged her legs. The pinkette on the other hand, was taking deep breaths to calm herself. "You are so gorgeous. Heavenly. I bet angels are jealous of you." She was having a hard time staying angry, the corner of her lips twitched. "Your hair is so pretty, like soft fluffy pink cotton candy... but not sticky." You couldn't help but snicker. Sakura sighed and tried to pull Naruto up from the floor.


Sneaking up behind the unsuspecting Kankuro, Ino grabs the nearly empty bottle of Gosling's. She quickly chugs what is probably several shots worth in a few seconds. Disappointed you sigh, you had wanted to taste it, just not when Sasuke had offered you a shot. You should have taken it and just saved it for later.

Lee stumbles over to you, kind of landing on the floor but also on the side of the chair, "Y/n, hey y/n! Pst!" You lean away from the man whisper yelling at you. "Y/n, if you were my homework, I'd slam you on the table and do you all night long," he slowly winks one eye at you. Or it could be a very long single eye blink. "A long youthful night to remember." He does the eye thing again.

"Y/n!" Ino has tears streaming down her face. "Y/n!" Sluggish, she crawls on all fours over to you, her seemingly emotionless boyfriend keeping watch.

"What's wrong, Ino?"

She sniffles, her eyes watering, "I can't find, Sai. I think he left me."

Doing your very best not to roll your eyes, you point behind her, "Ino, he is right behind you."

Ecstatic, the blonde jumps around glomping her boyfriend, "Sai! You came back!" He chuckles, patting her back while she covers his face in kisses.


"K-k-k-kiba, p-please, s-st-stop!"

"Sweetie, have I told you how beautiful you look today?"

"Uh, oh..." twisting from Ino back to Lee you see his face pale with a greenish cast. "Y/n... I don't feel so-"

It was a good thing Lee hadn't eaten pizza yet.


The book will have to wait. At least your precious cargo hadn't gotten wet.

"Troublesome," Shikamaru helps remove the nauseated Lee from his position of, kind of on the chair, to laying down on his side. "I think we're going to head out."

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