Eight [ The Subtle Revelation ]

Start from the beginning

He waved his hand towards Niki's frozen figure. "Embrace what you really are", Jake ordered, and his words rolled through you, sweeping away the last of your resistant. "You are as insane as us, we knew"

You knew he was right, knew what you had to do. You stopped fighting.

And as soon as you did, the pain was absolutely ignored, and the noises went out, and you fell down, down into the call of the darkness.




The smell of antiseptic, a little bitter, with undertones of the artificial fragrance contained in soaps and cleaners filled his nostrils, his lungs and his head. His eyes tightly shut, and he wasn't sure whether he was dreaming or not. He could hear the distant and muted footsteps of the people outside his door, and the constant low of the air conditioner from the left wall.

His mouth was dry and his head was heavy. He tried to move, but it felt as though somebody beated him up all over again, and the work of the pain killers is wearing out, each small causing a pain for him to wince to keep his body still.

K didn't dare open his eyes. His mind raced to you and Jay, and the only images that replayed over and over in his head were of you fighting your own friend as you gets weaker and weaker at Sungchul's advances, and that of him trying to win over his bestfriend's repeated assaults before the world went black.

He stilled as he heard the door of his room opens, and closed again to the person who enters. And as the footsteps grew louder inside, he knew, it was making its way towards his bed as he pretended that he was asleep.

He didn't dare move, breath nor even think as the footsteps halted, and he felt the familiar sensation of someone watching over him. "You are awake, I know", came a deep and hard voice that was distantly familiar to him somehow. "Open your eyes to me and let me help"

And when he did, he found himself staring into the eyes that seemed to harsh and strict. He knew those eyes from before. They were unmistakeable. It was the same one who had molded his father into the respective but cold detective that he is.

The old but still strong healthy man towering over him smiled, it wasn't of happiness or contempt, but of a reminder of who he is, and K couldn't mute the gasp from his mouth as he stared back at the general of the army of their country.

"Hello, my grandson", he said in a voice intending to scare him at their every meeting. "It's the time you tell me about your girl friend and I have something I have to reveal about her"

He knew his grandfather's return doesn't bode well for the killers. He'd seen a glimpse of how ruthless he is in the records of his battles and rescued mission he had succeed from his job. He'd seen the other soldiers cowering before him and admiring him at the same time, for his devotion to justice.

And the thought of him being called here threatened to overwhelm K and plunged him down into a bottomless fit of fear from which there would be no return.




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