3. Treatment (part-2)

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Y/n's POV

My mind was still wondering what just happened with me in 3 hours. I was on the floor again but I felt good. As the floor seemed warmer than that ice bridge.

They left from that room leaving me alone. I got up to take my locket thrown by them while they raped me. I cried. I screamed. I snatched my hairs in pain.

I then again sleep of tiredness. Soon my sleep was disturbed by one of them.

I was afraid again and crawled backwards as one man gave me a water bottle and a dish with 5 breads only.

Then he left from the room.

I didn't ate it. But after some hours I gave up my stubbornness and ate it.

It's been two days since I was alone in this room now. I wonder what my mother is doing right now?

"Did she even know that her son/daughter had been raped last night? How can she know? She left me. She left me without giving me a reason. I wasn't that small to understand it. Sure she'll be happy with her new family as dad said once." With those words in my mind I try to sleep.

Soon another man came in slamming the door. He took me on his shoulder to another room. He held me down to a lighted room where there were so many bottles and injections. Injections? Shit.

He handcuffed me to a chair as a man in white coat appeared in front of me along with two man besides him and one of them was that who gave my stepmother the suitcase of money.

I shocked my head and said,"no.nononooo please don't do this. Please. I'll do what you want. Please don't do this to me!!!" I screamed watching the syringe in his hands. He didn't even bother a bit before inserting it in my left arm.

I screamed for about 10th time but he kept on inserting the liquid inside my body for the thrice time.

Soon I felt dizziness. I blanked out after that.

Time skipped

I know I wasn't conscious but I tried my hard to open my eyes but I failed so I gave up on opening my eyes and just shut them down. I heard a familiar voice besides me.

"Yes boss. I'll do it. I'll take him/her to you there. He/she's been treated by some highly effective liquids which left him/her unconscious till 3 days." He stated on a call I guess. Then he kept quiet as the person on the other line was speaking something.

"Okay boss. I'll transfer him/her over there. But, it'll take time. Much time for him/her to get concious." He waited for the answer that person gave to him.

"Done." With that I can feel him ending the call.

I was dozed out and indeed if sleep. So I slept again thinking of the chemicals they inserted in me is working well.


Time skipped

I woked up with a man's hand over my chest. I widened my eyes and was thinking if the worst scenarios he could do to me.

Soon I realised he was carrying me as I was unconscious. Relief. Was all I could get.

I tried to look outside the car to where on earth I am. It seemed a busy city. Besides Busan-the city I hate the most in this world,this city is different.

I was sitting backside of that car as that man let me go to there. Surprised. Was all I was but I ignored it and went backside to enjoy that little happiness I got by watching the streets after ages.

There were huge boards advertising some products. Huge faces of people whom they called I guess celibity was there.

"Is that a celibity?" I asked to that man.

He chuckled. I wonder why. Then he said,"girl/boy, it's celebrity not celibity." He said. Yes I'm a dumb who haven't even finished her school yet cauz my sweet stepmother doesn't want me to!

Wow. Celebrity. Celebrity. Celebrity. I was trying to learn the word.

Then again I saw outside where many people were roaming and rushing. This city seems busy than Busan. Besides Busan is a quiet city where nobody cares if you were been raped in a mansion.

Leaving the past things I saw the tall buildings which were mesmerizing by the glory of its tallness.

My sight was catch by a large screen having 7 boys dancing there happily...


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okay get ready for the twists.

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