the beginning

505 7 11

I was listening to this while writing
Enjoy the first crappy chapter
The story starts with are green haired protagonist waking up with a headache, the green bean realized that it was the day he was going to learn what his quirk was and got extremely excited,  he ran to his sister's room and yelled "izumi it's the day we go see the quirk doctor!!, wake up!" Izumi was up and saying "izuku hurry up we have to wake up mom and dad so we can get going!!" She was clearly just as excited as her brother if not then more so, the twins ran to there parents room and proceeded to jump and yell "wake up we have to go to the quirk doctor so we can be heroes!!" The mother and father woke up to reveal inko and toshinori, inko saying "ok go downstairs we still have to have breakfast then we can go" the twins ran downstairs and waited

Timeskip to doctor's office

The doctor was checking there quirks and was telling the parent's them "well it appearsthat your daughter izumi has a telekinesis quirk that is generally weak right now but will get stronger the more she practices, her weakness is that if she uses it to much she can get a horribleheadache and if she pushes, it brain damage she should lessen this by a lot of training , now onto Izuku, he has a mutant quirk that will make him have the antennas and wings of a bee while also beingable to turn into a bee, the only drawback is that bee's will be a lot more attracted to him and that he will have a weakness for flowers, I'm glad to say you can both be heroes" inko was overjoyed for izumi while both parents  thought izuku was weak and didn't have the power to be a hero, when they got home toshinori, inko and izumi celebrated while they didn't notice izuku go up to his room and cry himself to sleep, his last thoughts that night were 'It's probably just a one time thing.......right?' , izuku was nervous about katsuki's reaction while izumi was excited about it

Nothing could go wrong......right?

Hey so sorry if this sucked but i need ship ideas i accept rare ships so I'm happy with that and if i find people bullying the people who like those ships in the comments i will enjoy  putting up a chapter to show my favorite ships

Ship suggestions on this bit of writing please

See you later

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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