16 | marriage & inks

Start from the beginning

"Where's is your mum?" I asked.

"Hey, Elaine! How are ya?" Rosie beamed, ignoring my question. "Come in, I'll show you."

Before I realized the girl had dragged me into the house and shut the door behind her.

She held my hand and yanked me towards a kitchen.

She made me sit on a stool at a kitchen island that stood in the middle of the kitchen.

The walls were plastered with grey cobblestone paired with polished wooden cupboards.

"Oh Elaine, nice seeing you here!" A familiar voice said, cheerily.

"Nice seeing you too..."

Fuck, I forgot her name.

"Catherine." She prompted, although she didn't seem to be offended. "What's up?"

Rosie took a seat opposite me. Placing her face on both of her palms, eagerly listening.

I shrugged. "I was just bored so I decided to pass by, I guess."

Catherine took a seat on the stool, opposite me. "Sure no problem! I was getting a bit bored myself."

"Anyway, how's your sister doing?" She asked, and I couldn't help but scowl.

"Very quiet girl, when she came to Creakwood the only time she left the house was to go to the library or the books store." She chuckled.

Rosie grumbled. "She was no fun."
And her mother chided her.

I feigned a smile. "She's doing well. Having a blast back home."

I unclenched my fists I didn't know were balled up.

"That's good," Catherine said. Then her phone began to Buzz repeatedly.

She checked the phone, rolled her eyes, and switched it off.

"My sister-in-law keeps on sending me pictures of her honeymoon with my brother." She muttered in disdain, her lips were strained to a thin line.

I perked up in interest. "Why? You don't like her?"

She thought for a moment. "Well yes. She's sort of a..." She paused for the right word.

"A bitch?" I suggested, completely forgetting the child in front of us.

She's probably heard worst. I thought, referring to Rosie.

Catherine gasped at my unpleasant choice of words but still nodded. "Yes, you could say that."

"Well," Rosie began, pridefully. "When Elaine marries Clint, she will be the best sister-in-law, so no worries for me."

I choked on my saliva and Catherine threw her head back in laughter.

I shook my head. "No, no, no. That is not happening."

But the girl gave me cheeky smile in response, wiggling her eyebrows, knowingly.

God, what is wrong with that child?

Catherine had gone to have a shower and Rosie had gone out to walk the dog

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Catherine had gone to have a shower and Rosie had gone out to walk the dog.

And I was in the kitchen with a bottle of untouched wine.

I wasn't going to drink it. Okay, maybe I was.

Until I realized it didn't contain alcohol. This was spam!

A little irritated, I place the bottle back in the cupboard and wandered around the house.

I stopped by a door and creaked it open to find out it was a garage with Clint's truck in it.

The room smelt of motor oil and grease. I noticed the truck was hoisted up; someone was fixing it.

I walked across the room to see Clint under the hoisted car, fixing it up.

And bloody hell, what a splendid view that was.
But as I stared at him, I noticed something; his shirt had raised showing his toned stomach and a tattoo.

But as I stared at him, I noticed something; his shirt had raised showing his toned stomach and a tattoo

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