10 | just my luck-badluck magnet

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"WHERE ARE WE GOING?" I asked wearily, as we staggered across the steep hill.

Rosie was far ahead of me and she gestured with her hand for me to walk faster. "C'mon, we're almost there."

I gave an exasperated sigh and continued up the hill.

We finally made it to the top of the highland and I let in a sharp intake of air when I saw the breathtaking view.

What laid in front of my eyes was a vast valley with a small river trailing through it and going towards the distant Mountains.

"Woah." I gust in awe as I gazed at the splendid view.

"I know right." Rosie agreed with a nod and a content smile.

A few seconds of silence passed before the child announced cheerily. "Okay, let's go."

I glower in confusion. "W-what?"

Rosie turned around, her ponytail swung at the action. "I said, let's go."

I was skeptical but I reluctantly followed her. I pointed back at the valley with my finger. "This isn't what you wanted to show me?"

She didn't look back but continued walking in the opposite direction of where the valley was situated. "Nope."

I audibly groaned loudly. "Seriously? I'm tired." I shuffled my feet on the damp grass aimlessly.

Rosie stopped in her tracks and turned to look at me. "Do you want me to hold your hand, then?" She genuinely asked.

I was repulsed at her question. I stared at the girl in shock and atrocity. "What the fuck?"

"No," I emphasized on the word.

"What do I look like to you?" I added in revolt. "A five-year-old?"

Rosie shrugged her shoulders. "You looked mad. My mother always holds my hand when I'm mad or sad."

I laugh humorlessly. "Your mother holds your hand, aw, how cute."

Then, I said in annoyance. "Do I look like a child to you?"

She rolled her eyes and held up her hands in defense. "Jeez, I'm sorry."

"I promise you're gonna like it." She assured.

I sighed in exasperation and reluctantly followed her.

We strolled across the field to the woods, that didn't look eerie or odd.

But at this point, I was starting to consider if Rosie was a serial killer.
I didn't question the girl but then, we arrived at a large lake.

It was clear and luminous, almost putting England's Majestic lakes to shame.


The desire to dive into the pristine water was very tempting.

A cool breeze swept by, making me shiver in a thrill.

"I used to swim here when I was little," Rosie commented, with a small smile. She casually fumbled with a bandaid on her elbow.

I shrugged at her, wondering what she was thinking about. "Well, you're still young so why don't we swim in it before you hypothetically become old."

"I don't know that word, but okay." She said, referring to the word, 'hypothetical.'
She beamed me with her infamous wide smiles.

Rosie had already begun to enter the water. "It's warm." She remarked.

I shook my head in amusement.

I tugged off my shirt and but before I could remove my jeans, a loud, deep voice yelled, echoing through the woods. "ROSIE!"

I inwardly sighed and chided myself. What did you do this time?

Clint dashed towards us and Rosie came out of the water, her face filled with guilt and regret.

I frowned. She wasn't allowed to be here?

I suddenly became aware that I stood only in my bra and my jeans-clad to my body.


I was amazed at my horrible serendipity.

"Really, Rosie!" He condemned the child, a vein on his neck showed how furious he was. "What's wrong with you!"

He kept on denouncing her, his anger rising at every word he uttered, causing me to flinch every time.

Puddles of tears began to pool in her eyes as she sniffed uncontrollably

Rosie's hands trembled at her sides and she bowed her head down in shame and I could see the tears dripping on the ground.

Drop by drop.

"You're such an asshole." I declared.

"I mean, really? What kind of dick head would leave their sister in the hands of a foreigner just to bang some chick and you expect her to not misbehave? And here you are yelling at her for something as little as swimming. You're a terrible brother and I hope you know that." I spat every word with menace.

Clint stood in front of me, his face was devoid of any emotion but guilt.

And with that, I took it as the pleasure to flip him off.

And with that, I took it as the pleasure to flip him off

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