King Under the Mountain

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Toymakers meet and taggle and cry into beers

the how and why the King Under the Mountain

gave away his clockwork toy army, tuning forks

of carved steel tubes, the kicking gears of Nostradamus,

the swords of Foondun made from the lightest aluminum.

All manner of toy legends pour green over white 

in the pubs across toy America. Toymakers sad

and lean in the face. Too often their sketch work remains

only a sketch, and they are reminded of stories

of how the King Under the Mountain once drew 

only ideas and daydreams and made no toys,

no braided wood poles, no bronze clapmasks

nor shotput shells. Toymakers, like all of us, 

even the insurance men, clap their legends 

when only ale or meat can ease the doom 

from a new market trend, or promises to automate soon. 

Late is the hour for real craftsmanship, save the name-callers,

jingle goers and able makers, those dark men in office.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2012 ⏰

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