The movie

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     Today was the day! I had on a cute outfit and was ready to go. When I got there,Daniel  came and hugged me. "Hi,you look beautiful." 

    "Thank you,so do you,you look handsome." I blushed. 

   He smiled, "thank you." 

I went to the door and unlocked it. I lit a incent and I saw a lady who came in the store. I'm guessing she was the main star opposite of Daniel. Her and Daniel was very cozy together. She even kissed his cheek. He looked at me and backed up from her. I walked over to them and introduced my self to her.

    "Hi,I'm Kiara,nice to meet you." I smiled.

   "Umm,eww." She said. Oh that's what we doing?

 "Maddie,this is Kiara,the owner of the store," Daniel said.

   "Very nice store,I apologize. Hi I'm Madelyn Vanderbilt." She said shaking y hand quickly.

    "Its okay." I said keeping my composure.

     I walked away and went behind the counter. 

 "Alright Daniel and Maddie,you two walk in the store looking around and Daniel you pick up a guitar and start playing it to impress Maddie's character. Miss Kiara you'll say "Welcome to my music store and let me know if I can help you find anything." Jack said. I nodded, "okay everyone got it,let's shoot." Everyone got in position and I was behind the counter. "action." 

   Daniel and Maddie came in talking, "tell me again why we're here?" Maddie asked.

  "Hi,welcome to my my music store." I smiled.

"Hi" Daniel smiled, "Britt(Maddie's character) I wanted to show you something." They started walking around.

   "Is there anything I can help you with?" I asked.

    "Can I try this guitar out?" He asked me.

  "Yes." I smiled and got the guitar down for him and he sat down. 

    "Thank you." He said.

"You're welcome." I said and walked behind the counter.

  "Chris(Daniel's character), what are you doing?" She asked confused

   " Britt,just wait okay." He sat sitting down and started playing a beautiful tune. I literally said wow and I fell in love. It was maybe 3 minutes of beautiful. When he finished,she kissed him 

   "That was beautiful baby." She said.

  "All for you my love." He said

  "For me." She said hugging him.

They came apart and Daniel handed me the guitar, "thank you again." 

   "You're welcome,that was beautiful,your girlfriend is very lucky." I said. I know I was out of context,but I apologize after we finished. They said it was fine and kept it in. 

  After we finished,I thanked them and they thanked me. Daniel came to me and hugged me. He looked into my eyes and then my lips. 

    "Do you have to go home right now?" Daniel asked getting closer.

  "No I don't." I said.

  "Can I take you out to eat?" He asked.

  "Umm,sure." I said.

Maddie came over, "Daniel sweetie, we're going out to eat come on." 

   "Go ahead." I told him.

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