Early Mornings- But It's Worth It

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Creeping out of bed quietly as the morning sun shines bright in my face- something you don't see all that often here in England, I tiptoe across the wooden floor, to find something to wear in my suitcase, which is almost a trunk full of clothes. A girl got to have plenty to wear for at least 8 weeks, right?

I quietly sort through my clothes, being courteous of my bunk mates as Ana lets out a muffled snore under her covers, much to her dismay. I finally find something to wear, that's cute, but not too dressy. I take out my high waisted shorts and my Frozen tank top, I'm a. It of a Disney freak you see. I brush through my thick curly hair which can be a pain sometimes, especially in the summer, in the heat and humidity. As long as I look semi presentable, I don't mind much. I apply a light coat of pink lipstick and some eyeshadow and mascara, but not that much. We are at camp after all, it's not like anyone, besides these people are gonna see me for the next 8 weeks.

I tiptoe back into my room, accidentally backing into my bunk in which Hannah slept in the bottom and Chantel on top. "Sorry," I whisper, hoping they are able to go back to sleep for at least a couple hours. "It's okay," Chantel whispered back. "You might want to check your hair when you get up, I'm usually the one that looks like the alpaca." I stifle a giggle. She knows I'm obviously teasing as I look at the clock to see its nearly 6:30, I should go outside and see if Liam is outside yet. "Hey I should go, I'll meet you guys at breakfast?" I ask, and she responds with a smile, before nodding off back into dream land.

I open the door quietly and close it before me, making my way down the wooden steps daintily. I'm no dainty person, but I can be if I wanted to. I walk over to Liam's cabin, seeing him already hanging out on the tree stump next to his cabin. "Morning," I say with a smile, him instantly smiling his perfect smile back at me. "You like to be up early, yeah?" I ask with a giggle. "Nah, but if it's time I get to catch up with my best friend, I don't mind." He explains, his naturally flushed skin turning a little more flushed than usually. "Come on, Li, I'm not that special." I respond, emphasizing on that. He simply shakes my head as he takes me to the back deck, where the sun is rising right in front of our faces, the warmth of the summer sun making me feel good. "It sure is pretty, isn't it?" I ask as Liam nods. It looks like he's about to say something, but then he blushes once again, I don't bother to ask what he wants to tell me, I simply enjoy his company.

"So Liam, what made you decide to come back here after all these years?" I question him, pretending to be an interviewer. He chuckles and puts down the pretend microphone, grabbing my wrist. "To get away from the intense game of fame that I call my life I guess. I haven't had a break in ages, and I thought I'd spend it here, hoping I'd be able to see, we'll see you." He said, smugly. He reminded me of a teddy bear with his adorableness. He was just such a special guy, and even if I was only gonna be friends with him for the rest of my life, I'd love to. We brought out the best in one another, and I really liked that. "M-me?" I said, beginning to stutter though I don't know why. Okay, well maybe because of the fact he wanted to see me after all these years, but why should I act nervous about it. "Of all the people you remember at this place, you came to hope you'd see me?" I was definitely flattered, but I tried to hide it in my voice, but I wasn't good with that yet.

Blushing, he put his hand on top of mine, causing my heart to race a bit. "Yeah, it probably sounds ridiculous.." He started 'ridiculous?' I thought to myself, why would he even think that? He's still his self- conscious self, I suppose, but it was cute on him, it suited him well. Which probably makes no sense, but I'll explain that more later. "But, I've missed you Jackie, I know we used to write to each other and stuff but once all this started, we lost contact, and I never thought I'd see you again...." His voice trailing off. "And I couldn't live with the fact that I left my real best friend back in the day, you like me for who I am Jackie, not for my money or fame or even before that, you didn't care how much I was bullied, and I like that too." He said with a smile. He began standing up, "where are you going?" I squeaked out, not wanting to go yet, but I was starving.

"We gotta go eat breakfast, it's almost 9am and breakfast starts at 9:15." He said with a chuckle. We've been out here over 2 hours? I think to myself, I didn't want it to end, but unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end. "We'll do it every morning if you want, I promise." He said, squeezing my hand. "Even when the kids get here, we'll come out a little earlier, and have some time to ourselves." He said with a smile as we walked down the heavily traveled path to the dining hall. "I like that idea Liam, I really do." I responded, starving by now.

By the time we entered the dining all, the smell of pancakes and bacon overwhelmed me as I look over to see Brooke.. talking to Michael? I couldn't believe my eyes and I couldn't stop smiling. I probably looked like an idiot. Liam always managed to make me feel... happy. It wasn't that I was a happy person to begin with, but Liam always made me feel like I didnt' have a sinlge care in the world. But what made it horrible is the quick snap back to reality I had, which almost always greeted me like your dog would greet you after a long day at work.

I sat down awaiting Brooke to join the crew, anxiously waiting to here about her little moment with Michael. I dug into my pancakes but didnt' realize the pancake syrup was so close to the table. Why didn't I notice it before? I stifled a laugh as I cleaned up the (fortunately) small amount that landed in my lap. Thank god it's not noticible, I'd have to trek back up to the cabin. We all giggle to ourselves as I hear Courtney cackle loudly. I simply ignore her, I don't need her or her crew dampening my mood; my day was off to a great start.

"So Brooke," I start, finishing mt last gulp of pancakes. "What was going on with you and Michael over there?" I ask with a wink. She giggles as she looks over at him, giving a warm smile. "He. told. me. he. liked my shoes Jackie!" In the past two days I've known her, I have never saw her, or anyone seem so excited. I squeal in excitement, maybe he does like her overall. I hope it works out for them this summer as well.

"Alright guys," Claps Jen, signaling for breakfast to end. I kind of look forward to the activities planned- especially if I get to be with Liam. A smirk comes across my face as we think about the day to come.

Of course, I don't end up in Liam's group, nor do any of the Triple C's. I take a moment to thank Jesus as Jen gives my group, which consists of Michael, Alex, and Hannah. They all seem pretty kind, this way I can scope out details for Brooke, or more like if he still has a boyfriend.

The day flew by as did the rest of the week. Every morning as I promised, I met Liam on the beck deck of the cabin, and we would talk about everything and anything. It no longer felt like we hadn't seen each other in ages, and it made me smile.

It was soon time to head back to the cabins and it's finally time for the campers to arrive the following afternoon. "So Liam I'll see you in the morning, right?" I ask with a smile and he blushes a little bit. "Yeah, and remember, maybe we can go to the campfire a little early to just, um hangout? Like after dinner?" He asked stuttering. I looked into his perfect brown eyes, without even trying to hide it. "I'd like that." I giggle as I reach the top step of my cabin. Sadly, our nightly walk had ended. "Well, it's a date." He said, covering his face with his thin white t-shirt which you could easily see his ripped body. I knew he was giggling, I just knew it. "Well, goodnight Liam,sweet dreams." I tease.

He suddenly leans in close, kissing my cheek with his soft, but plump pink lips. It startles me at first, but then sends shovel down my spine. The chemistry we have is undeniable and I have the itch to say something, but before I can even open my mouth he responds with a goodbye and runs across the path to his cabin.

As I open the door, I hear rustling in the bushes, but I choose to ignore it. However, something makes me look over to see Claire running out of the bush, mascara running down your face. "Just go inside, I don't want your pity." She says, running down towards the lake. What was she going that way for. I had an urge to follow her, but I also feel if I go, her hatred for me will grow more. Did she like Liam too? Was that what all of it was about, or was there more to it that I didn't know.

I shoved the thoughts past me as I take a shower in the once again cold water for probably the last time this week, and tell the girls what happened between Liam and I, they were so happy for me. "That's huge news, Jackie!" Chantel, exclaims, giving me a hug, causing me to blush more. I have the urge to tell them about Claire, but I don't. I have a feeling she doesn't hate me because she does, it's because her friends do.

I wrap myself in my sheets and feel my eyes grow heavy. As I let myself fall asleep, I can't help but think about Liam kissing my cheek. Does he like me? Is that why he wants to spend time with me tomorrow night? Are just some of the questions I think about. I think I'm falling for Liam too, hard and fast.

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