49 - The emperor has returned

Start from the beginning

The supposed to be seven days of the journey was shortened to four days only. They didn't even stop to sleep at night. They just take an hour's rest every six to eight hours of riding. Up to Wu Zhang Wei, he can keep going on but he needs to let the horse recharge their energy and not tire them out.

There are two types of people when they knew the return of their emperor. First one, they felt relieved and glad as they know their emperor knows best how to find his empress. This group includes Xiu Ying's parents, Empress Dowager Wu Jiaying, Princess Wu Xiaoqing and Jing Yi.

Other than these five people, all of them are grouped into the second type of people. The type that cannot stay calm, feeling uneasy with what punishment will fall upon them and how they gonna face the emperor's outrage. Among them, the elite guards, Guo Wei and Chang Ming were filled with dread at the thought of the emperor that almost arrived in the capital.

-In capital of Wu Empire-

"Long Live The Emperor!"

"Long Live The Emperor!"

"Long Live The Emperor!"

The citizens' voices echoed as Wu Zhang Wei passed the entrance gate of the Wu Empire. Looking at their emperor's return safely, the citizens feel happy and safe.

In contrast, the loud chants make the ones who were supposed to protect Xiu Ying but failed to do so, sweating bullets. Their heart thumping loudly.

Wu Zhang Wei pulls the rein and the horse neighs. He jumps off the horse and all people immediately kneel. Unbothered by them, Wu Zhang Wei directly strides to the main hall to meet Lord Li Shizen.

"Greetings, Your Majesty. It is a blessed Your Majesty managed to return safely," Li Shizen said while kowtowing.

"Cut the chit-chat. Tell me the details, Lord Li. How could this happen? How could he be kidnapped under all your noses? Imperial guards, soldiers, personal bodyguards, even the elite guards," He glares at them when he mentioned it.

"It wasn't like they brought hundreds of thousands of troops. It was just a few people but still...HA HA HA." The laugh is like a typical villain laugh and it makes everyone's hair stand. Even swallowing the saliva seems hard and feels like something stuck in their throats.

Wu Zhang Wei takes a seat on the throne and looking down, squinted. "All those who stay in the same place when my empress was taken away, come out."

Ten elite guards come out of nowhere in their black outfits, kneel. Followed by Guo Wei and Chang Ming and two imperial guards guarding in front of the bedchamber.

"Explain," Wu Zhang Wei said.

"Pardon this servant, Your Majesty. We failed to protect Her Majesty. We will accept..." The elite guards said at the same time but their words were cut off.

"I don't want to hear excuses or apologies. What I want to hear is what exactly happened that night. IN.DETAILS."

The elite guards glance at Guo Wei and Chang Ming. Both of them get the hint and fold their hand to the front and bow. "Your Majesty, th- that night was a bit chaotic. The East side of the palace was on fire. The cause was still unknown, but because of the huge flame, most imperial guards, servants, and even some soldiers went there to help put out the fire. Due to the commotion, Her Majesty opens the door and asked what had happened. We told him about the fire after that he went back inside the bedchamber and me and Chang Ming guarding in front of the door." Guo Wei explains.

Chang Ming continues, "Yes, Your Majesty. That's what happened. But later we heard the sound of broken glasses. Both of us immediately broke into the room and found that Her Majesty was scuffling with two unknown men. Their face was covered so we couldn't recognize them. The elite guards then came to lend a hand but then another group of men sneaked into the bedchamber and head-on with the elite guards. While we were distracting, the two men earlier already carried Her Majesty away."

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