𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮

Comenzar desde el principio

Maeko approached the boy and sat next to him after placing her uniform on top of her bag.

"okay Rintarou, what do you need help with," she asked as he took his eyes off his phone screen and locked his phone staring at Maeko.

"math." he replied, "of course, it's math," Maeko thought to herself as she lightly chuckled at Suna's response.

Suna had grabbed his books and placed them on top of the table in the middle of his room.

"let's get started then," Maeko said as Suna opened the chapter he had difficulty understanding.

"Okay so, for this question you need to move the x from the fraction to the numerator above it, then you can multiply it into the equation in the brackets..."


3 hours had passed and it was already 7:54 pm Suna's mother had come home when they were studying and Maeko practically insisted to help with dinner even though Suna said that it was already late and she might have to go home late as well. As Maeko was busy throwing some tofu into the boiling pot of soup and making small talk with Suna and Emiko's mother, Emiko had jumped next to her brother in the living room. Suna didn't pay attention to his younger sibling as he continued scrolling through his phone.

"nii-san" Emiko spoke as Suna let out a groan in return signaling her to continue with what she had to say.

"When will you make Maeko-chan family, then she won't need to go anywhere even when it's late" Emiko continued with serious eyes.

Suna's eyes widened at his phone's screen before turning his head towards his sibling in shock at what she just asked him.

"Plus, you guys are pretty much very close with each other and you actually do lik━" Emiko was interrupted as her elder brother's hand covered her mouth silencing her as Maeko's head peeked into the room from the kitchen "just wanted to say dinners ready," she said before returning to the kitchen, where the dining room was also in.

Suna was so grateful he was sitting in the direction of the opened door, so he saw when Maeko had peered her head in.

He glared at Emiko as she stared up at her brother "I mean did I lie though" Emiko said with a smug grin on her face following Suna as he walked out of the room.

"why can't you be in diapers again, since when were ten-year-olds this nosy," he said under his breath, Emiko could only giggle in response as she followed her brother out the room and into the kitchen.

After a filling dinner, Suna was tucking his sister into her bed as she brought up their conversation from earlier.

"Seriously nii-san when will you man up and ask Maeko-chan," she asked.

Suna glanced at his sister and replied
"it's not that easy Emiko, Mako-chan might not even return the feelings I have and I might not even be her type"

As the siblings were chatting in Emiko's room, Maeko was chatting with Suna's mother as she offered to help clean the table. While she was wiping the table down with a cloth, Suna's mother spoke up from the sink as she was washing the dishes "Maeko-chan, thank you"

Maeko glanced up in confusion, "thank you for what aunty?" she asked questioning the words Suna's mother had spoken.

"I am aware that you and my son had been calling each other more often than usual since training camp. And for some reason, I haven't seen him smoke a cigarette since he came home from camp months ago. Even when he stayed up late and couldn't sleep, which is usually the time he would smoke. I assume that was your doing" Suna's mother answered as she turned towards Maeko, a smile plastered on her face before she turned back to the dishes as she continued "because I'm pretty sure out of anyone he'd listen to it will be you".

𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏 𝐃𝐄𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃 | suna r ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora