𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮

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The ride back from the training camp went by like a flash, but Maeko's thoughts were only filled with him, Suna Rintarou. And little did she know, his thoughts were just as full as hers.

Maeko was not fond of the fact that the training camp has come to an end, due to the homework and assignments she had to catch up with. Unlike the volleyball team who got permission to not attend classes, Maeko agreed to continue her classwork outside of school hours, despite having the task to document the team during their training.

The girl hadn't slept for long, due to her anime binge from the night before and she was ever so grateful that she had a permission slip to not attend classes. Even though she had the entire day to do her work, but the girl was extremely sleep-deprived that she slept the moment she arrived home.

After a few hours of napping since she came home, Maeko was finally ready to get some work done. But the number of chores she still has to do delayed her productivity further. Maeko was clearly tired and stressed but she kept pushing through her tired eyes and worn-out body. By 10 pm that night, Maeko finally could get some work done. As she started doing her homework, she felt her phone buzz. She looked down at her phone, it was a discord text notification from Suna.

Bendy boi
Join the vc

The girl clicked on the discord app and opened the second-year discord server before joining the voice channel they had. Maeko assumed the 3 males were playing a game together as they sounded very aggressive. All of them had their camera on so she opened hers as well, her phone facing the ceiling and her mic muted.

Maeko wasn't a big fan of loud noises when she is studying but she didn't let the voice from her friends bother her as she opened up her past notes for assignment, getting distracted here and there by doodling on her notebook. A few minutes after, Maeko heard her door open; she turned her head only to see her mother there.

"hi mom" she said before turning back to her notes, she was so grateful that she was muted and her camera was facing her ceiling so her friends couldn't see her speaking to her mom.

"Maeko, it's late" The elder said as she walked towards Maeko to see what she was doing quite late at night, only to see her accounting notebook filled with doodles at the corner. She let out a sigh before turning her head to her daughter.

"Maeko if you wanna study, don't let this distract you" she said with a stern voice pointing at the doodles on her notebook.

Maeko glanced up at her mom "but mom, I'm studying too even though I doodle-" she pleaded as her mom walked back towards her door, her words cut off as her mom turned her head back to her with strict yet soft eyes "please" she said before leaving the room and closing the door.

Maeko sighed to herself before turning back to her notebook "it's just doodling" she muttered to herself while writing down her answers.


𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏 𝐃𝐄𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃 | suna r ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat