Chapter Fifteen

Mulai dari awal

    "Well, we spend the whole day together I guess" a rush of excitement run through my body as I said that. I don't know why, but it just did. My heart started beating faster as she suddenly unclipped her hair and got up from her seat.

    "Fantastic" she said before exiting the restrraunt. I followed her and stopped her

    "Wow, where are you going?" I said grasping her hand

    "Well we have the hotel till night so I'm going for a swim. You coming or what?" She said walking towards the pool.

    After our fun swimming sessions we almost forgot that two days ago, we hated eachother. We were laughing our asses off and having a blast. We walked back to the room when things turned silent again. She nervousley opened her door, she oviousley didn't want to repeat the events of last night. 

    "So, hey, you want to grab some dinner?" I asked her with my hands in my pockets, shyly. I couldn't have enough. I wanted to spend more time with her. I wanted to spend all my time with her. I missed her. A lot. 

    "Um... sure. Meet you down in ten?" I nodded and a smile extended on my face. I think I just asked her out. Weird. I walked down the hallway to my room when my phone started vibrating. I picked it up and answered it


    "Rahul dear, it's your mother. How was your day? Did you have fun with Priya?"

    "Hey mum, yeah, we are actually going to dinner now"

    "Oh thats fantastic" she said with great enthusiasm. Again, weird. "Anyways listen, we have some big news actually, do you remember Mr Singh's daughter, Alia Singh?" I scratched my head for a moment trying to remember, and I did. Alia Singh was  the worst enemy me and Priya had. She was the biggest bully back in high school and always tried to tare me and Priya apart, thankfully, our friendship had a stronger bond. 

    "Yes why?"

    "Oh well dear she is getting married in two days. Now I know you and Priya don't like her very much, but her parents are close friends of ours, so we will be attendin the wedding. All of us, even the Gupta's. Now we have already booked the tickets, however there was a little probblem. We couldn't get a flight for all of us to go together and seeing that you and Priya are getting along so well we booked a separate fligh for you guys. We will be leaving shortly for Italy, your flight is tomorrow at noon, till then I suggest  you stay at Priya's house tonight, understand?" For a moment I was frozen and speechless. How was this happening so fast and why were our parents isolating me and Priya all the time? There was so much I had to ask my mother but before I could say anything she cut me off "I'm sorry for such a late warning darling, but all the details are in Priya's house. You have to check out of the hotel in an hour. Good luck dear, see you in Italy. You can call me again in three hours. Feel free to tell Priya. Bye" she immediatley hung up on me. At this moment I was really pissed. This has never happened to us before. I can't believe this is happening. I walked out of my room and walked back into Priya's room. I knocked on the door angrily. She opened it and I was stuck. She looked beautiful. She was wearing a pink summer dress, with her hair loose and white wedges on her feet. I had never seen anything more amazing in my life. I stared at her until she cleared her throat and woke me from my short distraction. 

    "Um.. hey. Listen, we need to talk. Urgently". She stepped away and let me come in. "So my mother just called and said that Alia Singh is getting married in two days and that we have to go." she was about to say something when I stopped her and interrupted her "Wait, thats not all. The wedding is in Italy and our parents are already on the flight, they told me that all our tickets and bags are at your  apartment and that we have to stay there at night and go together tomorrow at noon." She looked at me confused. She laughed a little and said

    "You joking right?" her eyes opened widley staing at me in fear.

    "No. I know it's strange. I have to say, something is going on between our parents, and I want to find out what it is." She placed her hand on her forehead and agreed with my decision.

    "So what do we do now?" she asking walking back and forth with her hand on her stomach. 

    "Well, we have one hour to check out. I say we head back to you apartment and just eat dinner there instead. There is no other option. We have to catch that flight tomorrow." she looked at me momentarily, walked up to her bed, and sat down. I followed her and sat down beside her. "You ok?" I asked her placing my hand  on her shoulder. She looked at me, smiled and nodded. 

    We got to Priya's house in around two hours and were already done with dinner. Priya was a great cook. After a fun dinner we decided to call it a night and hit the bed. I turned in the bed for almost two hours before I got sick of it. I couldn't believe it was happening to me. I couldn't stop thinking about Priya, about how her soft lips felt against mine last night. I got up and walked to her room desperate to kiss her. I turned on the lights and scremed.

    "That's it, we are settling everything out now." she opened her eyes slowly and got out of bed  confused

    "What the hell are you talking about?" she said crossing her arms whilst sitting on her bed.

    "After you left, it was impossible for me to be around anywhere, I was depressed. I thought you forgot me. And then when I saw you in Vancouver, things got awkward again. I didn't want to be with you, but at the same time I was dying to be with you. Michaela was just a big excuse. Wether I knew it at that time or not. But I was pissed. I hated you. You didn't contact me, at all, if you would have you would have realised how freaking crazily I was in love with you Priya. That's why I said we could have been together. I was so pissed after that, that I couldn't be with you. I just couldn't so I focused on Michaela. I pushed you away. I wanted you to feel what I felt. And now..." I stopped. I know what I wanted to say, I just wasn't sure I should. So I changed the question "Why? Why didn't you tell me?" I said. She got up to answer

    "Why? Well here is why,  because I am the biggest loser who didn't want to lose the freaking love of her life by confessing her feelings towards him. And then in Vancouver I got screwed over by that person. Revenge played against me. Your stupid revenge against me just put a bigger whole through my heart." She was almost crying. "What was I to do? You wanted to go to London, and me to America. We were on different paths." she said with guilt. 

    "Are you crazy? Do you even know why I ended up in Vancouver? It was because of you. I followed you back then and I'm going to follow you now. Why? Because I'm in fucking love with you" I couldn't believe it. The words I had been keeping inside me finally escaped and angrily I walked towards Priya and kissed her. I didn't want to be away from her anymore. I wanted her, badly. I had never accepted this to myself before, but I was desperate for her. She kissed me back hungrily, our layer of clothes started decreasing again. 

Priya's  POV 

    I woke up the next morning and found Rahul staring at me. 

    "How long have you been staring at me like a creepy old man" 

    "Well only a few minutes. You looked so peaceful sleeping. And it's called observing your beautiful girlfriend sleep, not staring like a creepy old man" he said as he leaned it and placed a soft kiss on my lips. Joy, excitement at happiness rushed through my spine everytime he kissed me. He kissed my neck and I chucked.

    "So your my boyfriend now?" I said teasing him. 

    "I would be your boyfriend even if you didn't want me to. There is no way I am letting you go now" he said playing with my hair. I smiled and kissed him back passionatley. 

    "Come on, we have got a flight to catch." I said getting up from the bed. Before I could get any further, Rahul's hand pulled me back in bed

    "Oh no, our flight is at noon. We still have three hours to leave for the airport. Imagine all that can happen in three hours. Five times." he said with a smirk on his face. Before I knew it we were back digging into eachother hungrily. This was everything I ever wanted. It felt right. I didn't want the moment to end. Ever. 

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