Chapter 4:Teammates! Secret Rules?

Start from the beginning

Throwing knives I've never seen in class before, a pair of beautiful blue bladed katanas with an engraved name on the hilts-Sara Li.
A weird looking pack of discs I decided not to touch, and many foreign looking tools and objects like a thick rope made from an unknown material, a pair of white bone gauntlets encrusted with silver and black spikes that looked to be too big for my tiny hands.
Horns of some kind of animal along with feathers that glowed a rainbow of colors, different sized teeth from some kind of rodent, a couple snake skins and various other things that came from creatures of all kinds.

The last thing that I had pulled out was a case, a completely closed up rainbow painted egg incubator that had a hand print engraving and a note attached saying—'feed me mana, only the best for you, sis,' and a hand painted 'Happy Birthday, Go 19!!!' sign attached with glowing string.

It made me cry uncontrollably behind my room's locked door, my chest filled with a horrible ache and sense of loss.
I had to have known this person, as even the name sounded familiar and brought a sense of familial love when I whispered it.
"Sara Li..."

Whatever deity had intended for my parents to find this at an antique shop in Tanzaku Gai....thank you.


'Hey mom and dad-
Thank you for the earrings—
I'll never remove them!
Well, except to clean them maybe...
But I definitely love them, and I haven't changed my mind like you said I would dad!
I'm off to train, MY FIRST MISSION!!!! I'm so excited!
I should be back before dinner,
Love you~


Leaving my note on the fridge where they could see it, I left after filling a side bag with water bottles and some protein bars.
I then shoved a tuna onigiri in my mouth.
What? He never said I couldn't eat a snack, it wasn't breakfast after all.


Arriving at the training grounds, I greeted my teammates and started to stretch myself out in preparation for the team's test.

Then I waited.

And waited.

And waited.




"Where in Inferno's name is Sensei?! Is he really gonna have us wait for hours again?"


"Ah,*yawn*. I know what ya mean Sakura-chan. He couldda let us sleep in."

Groaning, I stretched my muscles out again then walked away from my teammates and fell to the ground, entering a push up position.
"If you two want to join me then have at thee. I don't have time to waste just sitting around, I need to get stronger!"

"I'll join you!"

Naruto was at my side in an instant, doing his own push ups as I counted to myself.

Sasuke joined us a moment later on my other side, not saying anything as he started with properly stretching.

Doing the same physical routine as yesterday, I ignored the envious feeling in my gut as I watched the boys go further than me, pushing myself to do five, then ten more of the strengthening exercises then I had completed yesterday.

(I'll get better. Don't give up or be discouraged, take this feeling of failure and do better!')
Nodding at myself, I prepared  to do my running, pulling out my timer and doing a quick runner's stretch on my legs, hips and feet before starting.

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