'You are an oaf' I said dangerously low

'And you' he said walking over and placing his special hammer on my chest pushing me down on the couch 'you are going to undo that spell'

I looked up at him and smiled. 'Alright alright'

He took mjölnir off my chest and held his hand out to help me up. I grasped onto his wrist and he did mine and pulled me up.

'Have to admit didn't expect you to do that' I said smirking at him

'I learn from the best' he smirked back nudging me

'What do we do about this... situation then'

'Not sure but first undo the spell. You hurt her you know. She cried on that bed because of that' he said pointing to his bed

I rolled my eyes and clicked my fingers. 'Done'

'Come on. We can go sit with Alice and think on something'

We walked to the room and when we got in we all sat on the couch and discussed a plan

'So... we got nothing yeah?' Alice said

'Pretty much'

'Well isn't this just GREAT' she said throwing her hands in the air

'It's fine. We will think of something. He doesn't know and he won't anytime soon so we have time' i said then trying to calm her down

'We should go tell Tony and the others' Thor said standing up

'No!' Alice said flicking her wrist to have Thor pushed down onto the couch again 'I wouldn't bother. He won't care Thor. Just... let us deal with it' she said

Thor looked at me furious 'Alice ofcourse he cares obviously something just got into him tonight. Come on.' He said then standing up again

'Thor he won't care' she said raising her voice

'Alice... don't make me do this alone' he said

I decided to stay quiet to sit back and observe.

'You wouldn't' she said through her teeth

'Your being ridiculous. ONE night Alice, he didn't take you on for ONE night.' He said then raising his voice.



She looked at him and started to cry 'he's never looked at me with such disgust before, not ever.' She said sobbing.

I sat there with wide eyes not knowing what to do, having never seen her like this before. I couldn't help but feel guilty for wanting this to happen before hand but seeing the effects I know I won't be doing it again.

Thor walked over and picked her up into a hug. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and luckily for him he kept his arms around her waist.

She sobbed onto his shoulder for a minute before he sat down on the bed placing her on his knee sideways.

I knew they had a close bond from long before I knew Alice so I tried not to mind but the jealously I felt was ungodly huge. I knew she saw him as nothing more than a bother and same for him as a sister.

When she stopped crying he spoke 'Remember all the times we would sit like this and you would cry over the silliest of things' he chuckled

'Yeah' she chuckled back 'well only some silly things'

'Oh they were all silly things' he replied 'remember you cried over that cartoon? You wanted Adrian to stop being so stupid and realise Marinette was ladybug' he laughed

I was completely confused by what he was saying.

'That's not funny. I swear he needs a brain scan how could he not know' she laughed back

'And that time you cried cus of how the chicken looked' he laughed again this time louder

'It looked like a cat!'

'It looked like a chicken!' He laughed even harder

'You went vegan for a whole 6 days after that'  he added

I looked over completely confused

She looked at me then her eyes turning into pure sadness

She spoke looking at me 'And that time I cried because I missed your 'idiotic brother', quoted by you' she said doing a sign with her fingers to quote the words

I looked at her with pure sympathy, my mouth slightly parted and eyebrows frowned

'And then after we went and got shitface drunk' he added

'And you pole danced around a pillar then face planted the floor' she laughed then putting her head on his shoulder giggling at the fond memory

'Was that the night you kissed Peter or was it the party before that' he asked

My eyes widened and I looked at her

'Thorrr!!!' She said hitting his chest

'You kissed who?' I asked walking over

She stood up 'Loki listen. I didn't have a choice it was a dare' she explained

'If I dared you to jump out that window would you?!' I asked raising my voice slightly

She shook her head no

I couldn't help but feel utterly jealous

'That completely explains the way he looks at you then. Did you like him' I asked again still sounding furious

She shook her head no again 'I told him I wanted you. I wanted to wait.. for you' she said looking me in the eyes.

'Is that the truth?'

She nodded still keeping eye contact

I pulled her close and leaned into a kiss


You will be mine. An avenger + Loki fan fic Where stories live. Discover now