Chapter 2

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Trisha's POV

"Holy SHIT," she said as she walked into her house and slammed the door behind her. She grabbed a vase with a plant in it. She dumped the vase out violently as she screamed bloody murder. She ripped off her pants with her panties along with them and started thrusting the vase into her wrinkly cooch. She then started screeching Donald's name at the top of her lungs.
"FUCK!" She screamed as she continued thrusting. Donald didn't know it but Trisha was obsessed with him. She fucking loved the way his lips curled into the form of a cats ass and his hair looked like a fucked up tumble weed. She also loved how his voice sounded like he was on the verge of killing twenty six infant goats while trying not to shit. Every time she even thought about him she just about had an orgasm. It was so hard for her to be next to him for hours without screaming in pleasure and grabbing his dick and sticking it up any hole in her body. When she wasn't hanging out with Donald she was masturbating with anything that could fit up her coochie and imagined it was his dick. She was so sexually frustrated. But it was way easier for her to masturbate when she had just seen Donald. She shoved everything she could up her cooch and continued that for hours.

Four hours later
"Mmm Donald!" She moaned she had already had 8 and a half orgasms in the past four hours. The next one she had would be her last for the night. She needed something perfect so she could reach her climax. She thought quickly about what she needed to stick up her next. Then a genius idea came to her.
"HONEYTITSRAT!" She called out. In just a few moments a crusty little white dog pranced into the room, well more like limped. Her dog had a limp but that didn't stop it from giving off a prancing affect when it walked.
"Come here Titty bear," she cooed as Honeytitsrat came closer to her. No more than a split second passed before Trisha grabbed the creature aggressively by its neck and shoved it up her WAP. The dog barked up her cooch and the sound bounced off the walls of her uterus. Honeytitsrat tried to bite but Trisha wouldn't let it. Soon Honeytitsrat gave up on biting (or it gave up on life) and stayed still. Finally Trisha used the dog's tail to rub her clitoris. Trisha felt herself reach the best orgasm she ever had as she was left panting extremely hard. She was wet as hell so when she reached her last orgasm of the night and pulled Honeytitsrat out her cooch the dog was soggy.

After Trisha cleaned up she brought Honeytitsrat over to the bathroom. She took out a thermometer and stuck it up Honeytitsrat's wet ass. The poor dog didn't have a temperature..... or a heartbeat.
"Oh shit I killed another one with my flawless WAP," she sighed out loud.
"People should call me 'the girl with the killer coochie'," and she meant that literally.
"I will hold ANOTHER funeral tomorrow for the 24.6 dog in a row that I have killed with my vagina!" She said in an annoyed tone. And with that she went to bed having heated sex dreams about Donald.

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